"When good people in any country cease their vigilance and struggle, then evil men prevail." - Pearl S. Buck

"The moment we break faith with one another, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out." - James Baldwin

About me.....

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I'm a dreamer and perhaps too much of an eternal optimist. I always try to look at the glass as half full. Defiant and ferocious towards those who would seek to unjustly harm others, I speak my mind...for better or worse. Where as some view compassion as a weakness I view it as a strength. I try not to live in the shadows of my regrets because doing so dims the light and the promise of a new day. I do not strive for perfection for this is the quest of fools and denies a man the blessings of humility. The bonds of true friendship and family are to be protected...sometimes by the cunning, stealth, and tenaciousness of a mouse but other times by the wrath and fury of the dragon. I am one and yet I am both. This is my truth.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Wait...you mean Heimdall isn't black??? WHO GIVES A DAMN!!!!!

So it turns out that in the upcomng Marvel blockbuster movie for the character Thor, there had been alot of rumbling about the race of one of the movies characters, namely Heimdall. Seer of the Norse gods and guardian of the Rainbow Bridge which connects Asgard to Midgard, the controversy has erupted because of a racist group calling themselves the Council of Concerned Citizens in offended that he is being played by...waint for it...wait for it..here is comes.

A black man.

How sad to see that ignorance like this is alive and well in 2011.But anyways...

This is not the first time that Marvel has taken a divergent direction with the ethnicity of its characters on the big screen. In terms of cultural depiction and even the comic books themselves, Heimdall embodies the typical Nordic look; tall, powerfully built, and appearing of German/Swiss descent...well except for his eyes which actually appear as the reflection of the expanse of the starry universe itself (how friggin cool is that). Other deviations of race that Marvel has done included Michael Duncan Clarke as the Kingpin in the Daredevil movie and also Samule L Jackson as Nick Fury in the Iron Man movies (and the end of the Hulk movie as well). There are some comic book fans who are purists that believe that both of these characters should have been played by white men but unlike the CCC, they do not feel this way for racist reasons. You see, comic book fans are often very connected to their characters - it happens after you've been following them for what is in some cases decades. So when changes like this occur they may not like the change but they don't take it to the extreme that racist groups like the CCC does and threaten to boycott the movie. Personally, I think that Samuel L Jackson did a good job as Nick Fury, a better one than Clarke did as the Kingpin in the Daredevil movie. I knew ahead of time that both of these roles would be played by African Americans but my love of comic books and openmindedness about race allowed me to enjoy both movies - the race to me didn't matter but the quality of their acting did and I think that Jackson embraced the role better. Now I've been asked before who I would like to see as Nic Fury if the role was given to white guy and my answer is Clint Eastwood in his late prime (to capture that seasoned salty personality). Anyone who has seen the movies Gran Torino (which I think had some of the best dialogue in the history of movie making), the Dirty Harry movies, and the westerns he was in can attest to the fact that Clint had and still has one of the best combinations of intimidating grating voices and scowls in the history of Hollywood and his acting talent is without question. But this stupidity of boycotting the movie and spreading so muc hate because of the race of one of the characters is just stupid. Seriously.


I've seen Idris in prior acting roles before and he is talented. Furthermore, I gotta say kudos to him for handling the poison thrown at him by these racist assclonws with tact and even a sense of humor. He could have blown up and made a big deal about it but he didn't. 

And really, this is not the first time that Marvel has challenged the way we depict our beloved comic book characters and the things they go thru. It is well documented that Marvel has used many of it's characters, especially the X-Men, to challenge negative cultural aspects such as racism, religious intolerance, and even homosexuality. Once considered taboos, not to be touched or something to pretend was not there, they took the reigns and challenged our perceptions of these subjects in an intelligent and poignant manner. So making Heimdall a black man was no big stretch for Marvel and I applaud them for this. If Idris is a good actor and the story is well thought out and compelling then who cares what color of skin Heimdall is? Really, CCC, are you so blinded by your poorly veiled bigotry that you cannot see how silly your stance is? You sound like just another branch of the KKK.... but then again you seem to have that whole consonant fetish going so who knows.

Mythology states that Thor was born of a union between Odin and the spirit of Earth itself, Gaia. He was created to be a special friend to mankind and defend them when they called upon his aid. His hammer rarely struck if not in the name of true justice and honor and his battle fury was matched only by his compassion for mortals. Also known as the god of farmers, those that prayed to him would be granted just the right amount of rain at just the right time to allow their crops to grow in abundance so they could feed their families. The very mythos of Thor teaches us an important lesson - great power and great understanding can exist simultaneously and this is where the CCC falters. Their blind hatred is obvious to anyone but themselves. But you know what? That is their friggin problem. I am of Hispanic descent and have been the curx of racism before. But when me and my comic book buddies roll out to see this movie, it's going to be a mix of Hispanic, Anglo-Saxon white, and African Americans and if the reviews of the movie are a sign, we are going to have a blast. I could care less about race. I care more about a good storyline, quality acting, and great action scenes. Anyone unable to leave the race issue out of it just needs to keep there asses home and that includes you..the members of the CCC. The makers of Thor don't need your dirty money and if your feeble attempts at trying to keep people from this movie are any indication then get a clue...people don't give a damn about you ridiculous prejudices. And yes....

To adapt a quote from one of white culture's most celebrated and completely fake, totally made-up heroes, Buzz Lightyear: You are sad, strange little men, and you have our pity."

Hell frakking yeah. And you know what? There seems to be alot this sad hatred circulating these days.

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