"When good people in any country cease their vigilance and struggle, then evil men prevail." - Pearl S. Buck

"The moment we break faith with one another, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out." - James Baldwin

About me.....

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I'm a dreamer and perhaps too much of an eternal optimist. I always try to look at the glass as half full. Defiant and ferocious towards those who would seek to unjustly harm others, I speak my mind...for better or worse. Where as some view compassion as a weakness I view it as a strength. I try not to live in the shadows of my regrets because doing so dims the light and the promise of a new day. I do not strive for perfection for this is the quest of fools and denies a man the blessings of humility. The bonds of true friendship and family are to be protected...sometimes by the cunning, stealth, and tenaciousness of a mouse but other times by the wrath and fury of the dragon. I am one and yet I am both. This is my truth.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Apathy - 0, Kukri-Wielding Hero - 40

Sometimes in life we have to make choices. 
Do we stand around and watch as evil and apathy rips away at the strands of simple human decency? Or do we refuse to be a victim and in turn defend those who are in danger of being victims themselves? And I'm not talking about just physical victimization; a person can also be victimized thru verbal abuse, bullying, and slanderous or libelous statements made against them. Although there have been documented instances of them advocating and even using these practices before, the outspoken rabble foes of the RLSH/costumed activists have recently become more brazen and open with the sadistic intentions they have for the RLSH community and costumed activists. Openly advocating the use of identity internet extortion, wishing physical harm against the RLSH or anyone who puts on a costume for charity/good will, and making libelous and slanderous statements, the fact that any of them pretend to operate by any set of their own self rules is a sham. What’s this about a list of 48 guidelines of advancing yourself through lies and cruelty? Anyone out there who thinks these malcontents operate under any set of standards or consistency of conduct is only deluding themselves. The proof is out there. You just have to have the patience to find it and the clarity to see thru the veil.
Nonetheless, I came across a story that made these famous words of Edmund Burke ring as true as ever...
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." 
I offer my salute to Bishnu Shrestha, the hero of this story. Singlehandedly he fended off the attack of up to 40 train assailants who in addition to apparently being armed with guns and attempted to steal up to 400,000 Indian rupees in cash, 40 gold necklaces, 200 cell phones, 40 laptops and other items, actually ripped the clothes off an 18 year old girl and attempted to gang rape her in front of her parents. Furthermore his courage was not without sacrifice; he suffered a serious hand injury that included nerve damage and took 2 months to heal. However, because of his courage there are a few less sick minded animals in the world and a young girl was saved from a horrific experience that would’ve left her traumatized for life. Even if the pistols were fake, believing they were authentic made it a very credible and real threat. It should also be mentioned that Bishnu was returning from voluntary retirement, therefore his actions were not born out of any duty demanded of him by his government of military. Rather they were born out of simple human decency and the unwillingness to stand by while evil and terror reigned supreme. To be blunt, Edmund Burke knew what the frak he was talking about. The hatemongering vocal rabble would have you believe that the RLSH are arrogant fools who should not get involved in matters of citizen safety and assistance; to be fair I would agree that not every RLSH has their head on a sane swivel but the same could be said about the hatemongering rabble...I have the screen shots and other evidence to prove all that I am saying and more. The hatemongering rabble are slaves to their own hypocrisy. Their rhetoric is constantly filled with an underlying theme of "hey people, stay out of the citizen assistance business" which leads to apathy, to people turning away from problems that are even the slightest bit beyond their personal sphere of influence. That is how the spiral into self-destruction begins, when we set aside simple human decency and compassion and replace it with the "it's none of my business" attitude or trash people who, like the RLSH or costumed activists, take an outside the box method of thinking to offer help to those in need. Bishnu saw something terrible and put his personal well being before anything else. RLSH often focus their assistance on members of society or issues that are largely ignored or in their opinion do not receive necessary attention; homeless outreach, sick children, protecting prostitutes from a serial killer (yeah, some ignorant hatemongering moron actually gave them grief about this), and honoring the military. But the one quote of the story that REALLY made me say "DAMNED STRAIGHT!!!" was the following...
“Fighting the enemy in battle is my duty as a soldier; taking on the dacoits in the train was my duty as a human being.”
Exactly. Being a soldier may have been a job for part of his life but the duty of showing compassion, courage, and humanity should be a full time job for all of us. The loss of life is normally a terrible thing but I hold little sympathy for the assailants wounded or slain. Their intent was an abomination and overwhelming odds required lethal measures. 


**Curious fact; the kukri as a weapon is also a part of the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy campaign. Even here it is a small but very lethal weapon. Listed as having a critical threat range of 18-20 on a d20 roll, it has remarkable efficiency as a hand held weapon but unlike a dagger, the curved shape of its blade does not make it an effective thrown weapon.**

Lastly, to those tossing out the accusations of mental imbalance, violence, chemical dependancy, and unethical conduct amongst the RLSH/costumed acitivists perhaps you should take a long look in the mirror when you lash out with these accusations. No names will be mentioned on this blog post - that really isn't necessary to make my point.  You know who you are..hatemongering frauds who weaponize words and push negativity and strife upon anyone who dares not see things thru the twisted lenses of your own lives. Lies, love of violence wishing to see others suffer, encouraged libel, mental instability....just a sampling of the many bits taken from your own rhetoric. It begs several questions..."Where does this end?", "When is it enough?" and "By what right do they judge others when they suffer the same flaws if not worse than the ones they vilify?" 
To quote Mark Twain…
“When a person cannot deceive himself the chances are against his being able to deceive other people.”

Sorry, you’re not fooling anybody.  

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