"When good people in any country cease their vigilance and struggle, then evil men prevail." - Pearl S. Buck

"The moment we break faith with one another, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out." - James Baldwin

About me.....

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I'm a dreamer and perhaps too much of an eternal optimist. I always try to look at the glass as half full. Defiant and ferocious towards those who would seek to unjustly harm others, I speak my mind...for better or worse. Where as some view compassion as a weakness I view it as a strength. I try not to live in the shadows of my regrets because doing so dims the light and the promise of a new day. I do not strive for perfection for this is the quest of fools and denies a man the blessings of humility. The bonds of true friendship and family are to be protected...sometimes by the cunning, stealth, and tenaciousness of a mouse but other times by the wrath and fury of the dragon. I am one and yet I am both. This is my truth.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Poor Potentate.. are you nervous little man?

What a most ironic victory for the RLSH to see the Potentate beseeching his band of merry morons in ROACH to support worthwhile and charitable causes like helping the needy in the aftermath of Haiti. ROACH doing acts of charity? Isn't this the same
organization who despises when the RLSH do this very thing because they say the RLSH are doing it for the glory and recognition? And yet here is the Potentate, or the Impotent as I like to call him, reaching out to his ROACH clowns and saying "Hey, let's start making CHARITABLE ACTS AND MAYBE WE WILL GET NOTICED LIKE THE RLSH AND EVEN HAVE A STREET OR PARK NAMED AFTER US." Potentate proves once again that even beyond the so-called satirical bend of his movement, he's a liar and a hypocrite and the same can be said for most members of ROACH as you go down the chain. For the record, some of them might say "Oh but we are villians so it's normal to lie" but I'm talking about beyond their villian gimmick. I'm talking about one of the fundamental and constant reasons that the Impotent and his ROACH clowns have supposedly and seriously had a beef with the RLSH and yet here he is preaching and practically begging his people to act EXACTLY LIKE A RLSH AND GO ABOVE AND BEYOND WHAT MOST PEOPLE DO IN THE HOPES OF GETTING SOME GLORY AND FAME.

Hey Potentate, here's a thought you cheap T-shirt selling buffoon - help out the people in Haiti just because it's the right thing to do and not because you ROACH ass clowns MAY end up with your faces plastered on CNN like a bunch of media whores. You do know what a media whore is right? It's what you accuse most RLSH of trying to be and what you are asking ROACH to now aspire to in light of the Haiti disaster.

This sudden zeal and call to arms of the Potentate/Impotent and his goon squad members like the Beryllium Bitch (Agent Beryllium) and the Bronze Bedpan/Lord Maggot
(Lord Malignance) to jump in and act like RLSH when it comes to charity is merely proof of their desperation and hypocrisy. But you know what, this little old mouse actually WANTS ROACH to succeed in this particular endeavor because the people of Haiti need help now more than ever and if it comes from ROACH, the RLSH, or a club comprised of overweight retired clowns then who gives a shit!! The point in just help these people, including the ones that might be suffering from terminal diseases even as they are surrounded by devastation (Black Dung/Black Sun might not like that but that limp dick can go swivel his ass on a spinning chainsaw blade for all I care). But the Impotent/Potentates last blog proves what I have been saying all along. He and his brethen are hypocrites and liars and their movement, even beyond it's satirical bend, is an absolute farce. They are annoyed by the RLSH doing charity and accuse them of being gloryhounds to the media but here comes the Impotent/Potentate with his ROACH morons saying "hey let's get involved with some charitable events such as that in Haiti and maybe if we do we will get a street or park named after us." You know, I really don't think that will happen because I highly doubt that a mayor of a town would enjoy having kids drive down "Assclown Avenue" which would be a fair description of ROACH members in general.

But what really underlines the Impotent/Potentates latest blog is something more than a mere call to arms to his lackeys and losers on ROACH. If you peel away the satire and his arrogant bravado then the core of his words smacks of the following...fear and apprehension. He sees things like the movie "Kick Ass" coming out, the potential for the media to put a focused view of the RLSH movement which might in turn cause it to grow and become stronger and it makes him nervous. It fills him with fear (which is easy to do to a guy like the Impotent/Potentate who has no spine to begin with). He's afraid because he knows that even beyond their so-called satirical attacks on the RLSH that any true desire he and ROACH have of taking down the RLSH movement has failed and is doomed to fail in the future. So what does he do? He hides his fear behind a call to arms, a call to arms to be noble, self-sacrificing, merciful, and compassionate....oh how very HEROIC of you Impotent/Potentate. Oh how very RLSH OF YOU POTENTATE. Thank you so much for making this latest call to arms. Not only will the people of Haiti enjoy recieving a little more aid but your imitation of the RLSH in thought, ideals, and action only makes your organization look like a bunch of two-faced hypocrites but it strengthens the RLSH. Well done lackey, the members of the RLSH thank you for helping them on several levels.

But you're a t-shirt salesman right? Surely you've got some of those cheap material t-shirts lying around because surely in your mistaken arrogance you printed like 10,000 of them thinking the world would fall to their collective knees and beg to buy them from you. Here's a thought you ass monkey egomaniac, grab some of those shirts or print up a few and ship them over to Haiti if you really give a shit. But I know that won't happen because that would cost you money and there's no profit in charity according to jackasses like you. With your latest blog Impotent/Potentate, you and your ROACH goons prove yet again why your movement, even beyond the satire label, is hopelessly flawed, pathetically insignificant beyond the purpose of making fun of, and based on an infinite loop of fallacy. ROACH - not only do they like to crack jokes but they are one as well.

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