"When good people in any country cease their vigilance and struggle, then evil men prevail." - Pearl S. Buck

"The moment we break faith with one another, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out." - James Baldwin

About me.....

My photo
I'm a dreamer and perhaps too much of an eternal optimist. I always try to look at the glass as half full. Defiant and ferocious towards those who would seek to unjustly harm others, I speak my mind...for better or worse. Where as some view compassion as a weakness I view it as a strength. I try not to live in the shadows of my regrets because doing so dims the light and the promise of a new day. I do not strive for perfection for this is the quest of fools and denies a man the blessings of humility. The bonds of true friendship and family are to be protected...sometimes by the cunning, stealth, and tenaciousness of a mouse but other times by the wrath and fury of the dragon. I am one and yet I am both. This is my truth.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Oh how quaint...vermin and their propaganda

In light of the upcoming movie "Kick Ass" which has a focus on RLSH related activities I thought I'd talk about something that needs a bit of clarity, that being the issue of RLSH patrols. It seems that one of the main things bugging groups like ROACH (aside from them being intrinsically obnoxious) and other anti RLSH is that they think the RLSH patrols consist of RLSH acting like thugs and going out with the sole purpose of willingly inflicting harm on people. Now having several friends and contacts within the RLSH community this little old mouse would suggest to the casual observer uneducated about the RLSH and this aspect of their movement to see beyond this propaganda. Now that is not to say that some RLSH elements are a little too "wired" for their own good and not all members are conducive to moving the RLSH forward in a positive manner. Society is full of people that project moral values and ethical standards to our faces but then do the opposite behind our backs. We tend to place people on higher ground, pedestals of iconic worship. So when some of these people go bad it is often a shock to us - dirty cops, priests admitting to molestation charges, soldiers killing innocent civilians in fits of rage of frustration, politiicians and their backroom sleazy deals, ect. These are the people that we entrust to uphold our morality and stand as a beacon of hope, a template for us to supposedly emulate. What I find rather ridiculous and hypocritical is that groups like ROACH and RLSH bashers distorts the facts so willingly in order to push their agenda which they have built on a foundation of fallacy. So here is the truth...

When the average RLSH goes on patrol I see little difference between them and a citizens watch group going on a neighborhood patrol (well except for the gaudy wardrobe). Most RLSH patrols consist of people mainly looking out for any potentail trouble and if they see it their reaction is mainly to observe and report unless the threat level is severe enough to warrant interjecting themselves. Case in point as I have made before - if a neighborhood watch group was strolling through their neighborhood and saw a woman kicking and screaming being dragged into a dark alley by an assailant or two would they stay away from the scene and call the cops and wait for them to arrive in order to do something? I highly doubt this. Chances are once the cops arrived at the scene the victim would have been robbed, pysically or/and sexually assualted, or perhaps even dead. If a RLSH patrol came across the same scene chances are they would interjectthemselves and rightfully so - sometimes the mere threat of being seen committing a crime is enough to deter the crime from happening and scaring off the assailants. Would it ethically or morally correct for either the RLSH group or average citizen patrol to wait for the cops to arrive while this crime is being committed? Of course not. Would it be wrong for them to interject themselves in order to perhaps prevent the crime/assault from happening? I would think not, unless they enjoy hearing another human beings screams as they are being brutalized.

So let's clarify and dispel the myth of the RLSH supposedly "looking for trouble".
Yes, the RLSH patrols "look for trouble" but not in the way that assenine organizations like ROACH would like to portray it. RLSH patrols look for trouble as observers - 99% of the ones I've spoken to tell me flat out that their greatest weapon is a cell phone. Why? Because when they see something suspicious they dial
the authorities. Most RLSH don't look for trouble as an excuse to be overtly violent - they understand that because of what they do they may have to defend
themselves as in the example given above. If the assailant who is assualting the woman in question decides to try and attack the RLSH then the RLSH member has every right to defend themselves and incapacitate the attacker with REASONABLE FORCE. Notice I capitalized the words "REASONABLE FORCE"....

Regarding the tragedy of 9/11, we now know that one of the planes that was downed before striking it's target was on a collision course towards the White House. The collision was averted because average citizens refused to sit around and be victims which would result in more victims when the plane collided into its target. We now know that the famous "shoe bomber" was thwarted from his goal by average people on the plane who saw the threat and instead of sitting around and doing nothing, they acted. When I think about the average RLSH patrol I draw some parallels to this. The RLSH who patrol are people who refuse to sit around and watch things go bad around them. Could they do what they do without their costumes? Maybe. However, anonymity is often necessary to accomplish a greater good and to protect ones families, otherwise why would their be a need for spies or undercover police? Do some RLSH act inappropriately sometimes? Undoubtedly so, as do some police officers, politicians, soldiers, and people put in stations for the sole purpose of protecting the system and the citizens within it instead of using their station for illicit purposes and personal gain/glory. It really comes down to arrogance and ignorance from groups like ROACH who bash the RLSH at every turn and yet you have members in their organization declaring war on charity organizations or making statements like children with terminal diseases should be exterminated before they have a chance to grow up, reproduce, and as one ROACH member put it "contaminate the gene pool".

I look at ROACH members and I see a bunch of sloths and pathetic clowns; they hide
behind their villian gimmick and complain about what the RLSH do when they themselves do NOTHING positive / constructive. They bash RLSH patrolling as a dangerous and violent vigilantism but really, is picking up a cell phone and calling the cops "danngerous violent vigilantism"? Is seeing a violent crime and innocent people in harms way and jumping in to deter it the act of a RLSH who is "mentally unstable" or the act of a RLSH who is putting their own safety in harms way to prevent harm to another person? Should we all do what ROACH seems to want us to do and just stand around and do nothing while things unravel in bad ways around us? I hardly think so. Groups like ROACH love to distort what the RLSH do; ROACH thrives on propaganda, lies, and then fall back on their "villian gimmick" when it suits them. This behavior is the stuff of lazy cowards.

The next time a RLSH basher starts spouting off about those "violent RLSH who patrol" take the time to get the facts. See things from both sides of the fence and look beyond the gaudy costumes the RLSH sometimes wear. Talk to a RLSH and ask them why they do what they do and chances are the answers will both surprise and enlighten you. Is the RLSH movement perfect? Absolutely not but the image that ROACH would paint the RLSH as is a fabricated farce, created for their own sick amusement and delusional tunnel-vision.

For more information on how the RLSH generally function, here is a good website to
look into - https://www.rlsh-manual.com/WELCOME.html

Unlike what those idiots in ROACH would have you believe, the manual does not encourage RLSH to "break the law and be vigilantes". It does not encourage RLSH to use excessive violence but rather only the level of violence necessary and only as a last resort. What it does do is provide many links to help the average citizen become more aware of who to contact if they need assistance of any kind, medical information with life saving possibilty (providing CPR, helping people who are choking, diagnosing sypmtoms, ect), the extent of a RLSH legal capacity to carry out their function (essentially what crosses the line and what does not). This manual/website also makes it clear that a RLSH is best served as being an observer and ENCOURAGES RLSH to work with the local law enforcement rather than try to "one up" them. The article is written by a RLSH named Night Owl who in addition to being a RLSH also works in the public safety sector as a fire fighter and EMT intructor. The manual/website also has writings from a RLSH called Superhero, who just happens to be a graduate of the Police Acadamy in Clearwater, Fl. He goes into detail about the legal issues of being a RLSH and offers excellent advice to help a RLSH navigate the legal waters in a way that causes as little problems to local authority as possible. Lastly, for those ass clown ROACH members and RLSH bashers I would pay close heed to the Good Samaritan laws sectionof this manual, particularly the

"Good Samaritan laws (Acts) in the United States and Canada are laws/acts protecting from blame those who choose to aid others who are injured or ill. They are intended to reduce bystanders' hesitation to assist, for fear of being prosecuted for unintentional injury or wrongful death. The name Good Samaritan refers to a parable told by Jesus in the New Testament (Luke 10:33-35).

In other countries (as well as the Canadian province of Quebec), Good Samaritan laws describe a legal requirement for citizens to assist people in distress, unless doing so would put themselves in harm's way. Citizens are often required to, at minimum, call the local emergency number, unless doing so would be harmful, in which case, the authorities should be contacted when the harmful situation has been removed. Such laws currently exist in countries such as Israel, Italy, Japan, France, Belgium, Germany, Andorra, and Spain. The photographers at the scene of Princess Diana's fatal car accident were investigated for violation of the French Good Samaritan law ("non-assistance à personne en danger", or deliberately avoiding providing assistance to endangered persons, can be punished by up to 5 years of jail time and a fine of up to 100 000 €). In Germany, "Unterlassene Hilfeleistung" (neglect of duty to provide assistance) is an offense; a citizen is obliged to provide first aid when necessary and is immune from prosecution if assistance given in good faith turns out to be harmful. Also the helper may not be held responsible if the action he should take in order to help is unacceptable for him and he is unable to act (for example dealing with blood). In Germany, knowledge of first aid is a prerequisite for the granting of a driving license."

So to all you RLSH bashers out there, unless you are too stupid, lazy, or ignorant to do so, spend some time researching before you talk your idiotic smack. Try stepping out of that perpetual fog cloud of narrow mindedness if you have even a sliver of courage in your bodies. But if you insist of continuing to misrepresent the
RLSH movement with your lies and propaganda then so be it. You're already lost the battle - you just either too dumb to know it or to scared to admit it.


  1. Why Mr. Jingles you are just full of hate.

    You should be lucky to have ROACH as an enemy. As they are lazy and never post anything.

    Let's play on two points you brought up in that rant.

    1) You said your self they could do what they are doing without costumes. So what's wrong with that?

    2) You mentioned that Superhero helps RLSH members to "cause as little problems to local authority as possible". So they are causing problems correct?

  2. Poop Knife, first of all get yourself a new villian name because by definition you are clearly stating that you are...oh, dear how it pains me to say this..."full of shit." Therefore, nothing you post on my blog has an inkling of veracity. However, since I sometimes go out of my way to entertain the ramblings of befuddled feces such as yourself I'll oblige you this time. Sadly, if you are too feeble minded to understand the symbolic nature of wearing the garb then that's your loss not theirs. The reason many of then do so is stated in the manual so try reading it again unless you have literacy issues, in which case I'd suggest you get "hooks on phonics" or something like that. Lastly, even agencies officially sanctioned by our government / law enforcement bodies are not without "problems". Otherwise if our governmental / law enforcement agencies were flawless, there would be no need for things like internal affairs departments for cops, oversight committees for politicians, or military tribunals for the armed forces. The point is that even people like cops, soldiers, and politicians whose jobs it is to do things appropriately err sometimes so don't sit there like some pompous idiot and try to justify your argument on this point as the reason why the RLSH movement should be terminated because otherwise you would have to also terminate all police forces, our military, and our political framework whenever one of then makes a mistake. But keep reaching Captain Crap On A Stick because it only makes you look dumber when you try. The manual is there to offer advice on how to perform RLSH duties to be in sync with local authorities and laws not against it which just illustrates the blatant lie that ROACH is founded on.

    And really, the only reason you call my blog a rant is because you disagree with it but I understand that doing so is part of your "gimmick" or "agenda". You're just a ROACH lackey wanna-be / whipping boy so you're doing your part to kiss their butt. That's okay I guess, after all judging from your name apparently you already have an affinity with being near the anal cavity anyways. Please remember that ROACH is a gimmick (they pretty much admit it themselves in their website), their leader an arrogant glorified cheap t-shirt selling buffoon with computer skills (whose real name is Paul Hogan by the way), their membership comprised of social maladroits MANY OF WHOM ALSO HIDE THEIR IDENTITIES BEHIND MASKS. I don't like ROACH but I do not really consider them an enemy. To me an enemy by definition actually poses a threat of some kind, even if it is on a miniscule level and ROACH does not qualify. Their blogs just like yours own won't stop the RLSH movement so if you or they want to keep chasing your own tails aimlessly then feel free to do so. Your words and those of ROACH just like you and ROACH are collectively feeble and innocuous but thank you for responding to my blog. I try to maintain my quota of putting at least 1 assclown in his/her place a day and you helped me fulfill it. Maybe you're not completely worthless after all. ;)

    Now go off and find a pile of dung to play with Captain Crappy and try washing your hands when your done. You may be a loser villian but dammit at least practice proper hygiene!!!!

  3. Never answered the questions.

    Also nice try can't make fun of someone with a name like Poop Knife... I already did it for you.

    Notice no one posts to your blogs, your just not worth the time. Figured I would give you a chance but yer just a big ole ball of crazy arn't ya?

  4. I don't blog to gain "fans" so I'm not concerned about it. However, you have listed yourself as one of my "followers". That makes you both my lackey & my tool. Oh & that part about "people not responding to my blog"? You've done so twice. So aside from being my lackey & my tool let's add liar & hypocrite to the wide range of derrogatory descriptions that apply to you Captain Crappy. Thank you for playing my game but you still lose. ;)

    The RLSH manual already answered both your questions but obviously either you ignored my advice (typical for a dumb turd like you) or you chose to read only what suits your slanted views (see dumb turd comment above). But since reading comprehension is apparently a work in progress for you I'll try to elaborate.

    Question #1: Here's an excerpt from the RLSH manual regarding costumes & their significance after which I'll offer a few real life and comic book examples. If afterwards you still don't get it then it's obvious that you have the IQ of rocks and further discussion is pointless.

    " I suppose the reasoning behind the heroic identity is varied. People may be influenced by the ideals of heroes in comic books, people may wish to express individuality though the medium of their costume, people may have a deep personal meaning tied to their motif, people may want the anonymity of a secret identity, people may wanting clothes which will allow them to hide in shadows, people may want armor to protect themselves, or any number of reasons...and the list goes on and on and on.

    "The heroic uniform is significant because it is an identifying trait. To be identified as a super heroic character, a heroic personae, name and all, is important. Super heroes are culturally significant and iconic. Society associates the super hero with "good," and as such that identity likely aids any mission.
    What separates a uniform from a costume is intent. A uniform is garb with a purpose. It embodies a concept. It plays a role in one's life. While wearing a costume cool, comforting, or fun--a costume doesn't make you a hero. A uniform is an aspect of being a real life superhero. One's image is important, but by far it's not the most important component of heroism."

  5. Two iconic comic book figures - Batman and Spiderman. The have mostly attempted to keep their civilian identities secret, disgusing themselves with mask and costume and even goign so far as to change their mannerisms depending on if they are in hero or civilian mode. The few times they have revealed their true identities it has been met with disaster; many of Bruce Waynes and Peter Parkers families and friends have been killed or nearly killed by their respective rogues gallery. Real life example - by your interpretation chubby men who dress up as Santa Claus on Christmas and perform good deeds should not do so because by your definition they should not need the costume to get the same results. But really, we both know that if they exchanged their Santa suit and tipped boots for a common red shirt, white pair of jeans, a red baseball cap, and a pair of black sneakers it would defeat the purpose of what they are trying to do. The same holds true for undercover cops who disguise themselves when infiltrating drug cartels or DEA / SWAT folks who wear black tactical ski masks to hide their faces as they bust into a dangerous situation. To reveal who they truly are would not only inhibit their ability to do their job effectively but endanger their lives, the lives of their friends and family outside of their job. Anonymity is sometimes a necessary shield - that is a hard reality whether you choose to admit it or not. I can't imagine how such you can miss such an obvious truth...oh wait, you're a dumb ass. My bad.

    But you defeat yourself just by asking question #1. You impy that you are more concerned with what the RLSH "wear" than what they "do". WTF are you the RLSH fashion police? Maybe the next time they go out on patrol you should lend them a pair of your black stilleto high heel shoes from your cross dresser closet.

  6. As to question #2, let me educate your dumb ass.

    In 1990 the National Academy of Emergency Medical Dispatch did a probe into accidents caused by the extreme response and transport practices of emergency vehicles and paramedics. Of the 298 accidents documented, 205 resulted in 537 injured and 62 killed.

    Was it the goal of these paramedics driving these vehicles to hurt or kill people? Of course not. Did people get hurt or killed anyways? Unfortunately so and therein is my answer to #2 - regardless of how noble your intentions are (and in the case of a paramedic their job enforces upon them a moral imperative to save lives and ease suffering) sooner or later when you are doing a job/task with a higher potential for harm or error things will not always trun out for the best. This can be applied to RLSH who patrol just as it can be applied to cops, soldiers, or firemen who make wrong choices at any given time. A fireman walks through the wrong door while carrying an injured person to safety and they can both get incinerated (it has happened). A paramedic administers the wrong medication or medical procedure at the scene of trauma (or forgets to ask about a victims allegies) and the victim can die (it has happened). The military mistakes movement of some form or miscalculates a bomb drop and a fellow soldier dies due to friendly fire - ala Pat Tillamn of the Arizona Cardinals. A cop does not read a thug his Miranda rights or mistakes a silver handled hair brush for a gun and bad things can and have happened. The point is that REGARDLESS OF WHAT A PERSON DEDICATES THEMSELVES TO SOONER OR LATER THINGS WILL NO GO THEIR WAY. It can happen to anyone; a cop, fireman, paramedic, soldier, and yes, even a RLSH. Do not hold RLSH to standards that you are not willing to apply to others equally. Doing so just makes you a blatant douche bag. And if you think the RLSH cause problems on a chronic basis or really feel that they are prone to "violent uncontrollable vigilantism" then where is your proof of this? By your implication we should be drowning in stories on a daily basis of "RLSH gone wild" and yet we are not? As I said before, you and ROACH only practice lies and propaganda. You are satire. You are a joke.

    Now please prove what a hypocrite you are and respond to my blog FOR A THIRD TIME even though you said no one does. Please continue being my follower, my lackey, my internet bitch. Continue to show the world how far your head is shoved up the collective ass of ROACH because you're doing an awesome job so far. Bravo Captain Crappy. Way to go Shit on a Stick.

  7. LOL!!! For all the good points you bring about you just seem to be your own worse enemy. I know you think yer daddy cool but honestly all I hear is the noise the tazmainian devil makes from the Warner Brothers cartoons... something like YEBWALLAWW PPHHBBBT PHHBBBT YAWRG!

    Here ya go kid, bottom line... No one elected you or asked you to do what you do. You don't like people talking smack about you.. grow up! Everyone on God's green earth has opposition. You think because you believe you are making a differance you are exempt?

    You only choose to do what you do in the world to gain recognition. Does not matter that thousands of people do the same thing without a costume. Nah going unmasked will not suit your purpose... no spotlight in the media for that. Don't give me Spiderman Batman bullshit fan boy... comic books come no where close to real life.

    If your all they got to represent a point of view.. well shit don't need me at all. You make Z look like a brain surgeon.

    I have been doing well gathering your identites so far. When you guys screw up you will not get the luxury of removing your mask and retiring. Called personal accuntability and responsibility.. something you and your ilk know nothing about. All gonna be fun and games until you get an innocent hurt.

  8. Your response only proves that you are a tired beaten dog. You even go so far as to mention the "good points" I bring up and then you go on your mindless tirade of delusional smack. I come to you with facts and all you can do is back pedal and respond with false bravado about "unmasking" people. Enjoy being the weak-willed brown-nosing follower that ROACH is training you to be. You talk about other peoples personal accountability because you have none of your own to speak of. This has been a nice little game Captain Crappy but in the end you lose. Nothing you say or do will stop the RLSH movement; it will go on in spite of idiots like you with their empty threats.
    You've already been unmasked Turd On A Stick; you're my internet bitch and a spineless tool for ROACH. Man are you pathetic. ;)

    Oh and thanks for responding YET AGAIN to my blog even though you said no one ever does (yeah you really nailed that on on the head didn't you....NOT!!!!).

  9. Damn how can I stop now this is like pop corn! I just can't wait to what gem of wisdom you are going to spew forth next. Did you really end your tirade with NOT!!! Way to go Mike Myers!

    Keep it coming kid, if I laugh any harder I am going to have to change my name to piss pants.

  10. Oh dear, I'm being insulted by a juvenile who chose to name himself after a piece of wood and a pile of turd. I guess once you're mommie finishes changing your diaper or you slide a new pad into your panties you'll try to come back and post YET AGAIN ON A BLOG YOU SAID NO ONE POSTS ON!!!!

    I've wiped the floor with you ten times over Captain Crappy and yet you still come back for more? If you're going to keep inserting your head into the deep slimy anal cavity of ROACH then I might as well end this with a quote I gleamed from one of those ROACH idiots.

    "You are insignificant and beneath any further notice from me."

    Games over Turd. It was over the moment you admitted I made "good points" which translated means - you got schooled, can't handle it, and can only respond with gibberish.

    Oh and that sound you mistake for Warner Brothers cartoons...that's the sound of your chronic flatulence. Enjoy being put on "Ignore". ;)

  11. How dare he say that no one responds to your blog? Tsk tsk. I just replied to his about his stalker issue.
