"When good people in any country cease their vigilance and struggle, then evil men prevail." - Pearl S. Buck

"The moment we break faith with one another, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out." - James Baldwin

About me.....

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I'm a dreamer and perhaps too much of an eternal optimist. I always try to look at the glass as half full. Defiant and ferocious towards those who would seek to unjustly harm others, I speak my mind...for better or worse. Where as some view compassion as a weakness I view it as a strength. I try not to live in the shadows of my regrets because doing so dims the light and the promise of a new day. I do not strive for perfection for this is the quest of fools and denies a man the blessings of humility. The bonds of true friendship and family are to be protected...sometimes by the cunning, stealth, and tenaciousness of a mouse but other times by the wrath and fury of the dragon. I am one and yet I am both. This is my truth.

Monday, May 31, 2010

This is what you inspire with hate-mongering, they must be proud.

I do not know the full details but it was brought to my attention by a mutual friend (and not the blog of that self-proclaimed bad guy) that Zetaman was the victim of vandalism. It turns out that someone or some persons went onto his property and slashed his tires. This is pretty bad as it is but what makes things REALLY screwed up is that they left a calling card on his windshield that read something to the effect of "Courtesy of ROACH." I find this matter alarming on so many levels. First off, we are talking vandalism / property damage. Secondly, this is a crime and while talking shit and hate mongering on the web is unsavory and IMHO as often been taken way too far by those that loathe the RLSH, what happened has crossed alot of very delicate lines. This is no longer a matter of a crew of punks from Texas making videos with shotguns, gang style appearance, and machetes threatening to take out Master Legend. This is no longer a matter of some so called RLSVs getting together and deciding to Google-bomb Master Legend and Tothian on the eve of the movie "Kick Ass". This is not longer a matter of libelous and slanderous claims made to destroy the reputations on good people like DC Guardian. This is no longer a case of so-called RLSVs pushing former members to commit near criminal or criminal acts in the name of their cause. This has officially moved into the realm of true criminal conduct.

Now it's very possible and probable that ROACH members did not have a direct hand in this ( I think they are sick and twisted people but I have always been reluctant to believe that they would ever cross this line). However, even if they did this incident bears to some degree a bit of their imprint. Those that did this specifically claimed to do this in the name of ROACH or as ROACH members. This means that they have been inspired by the abusive, inflammatory, and vile rhetoric that continues to be spewed against the RLSH in the name of the RLSV / ROACH. We do not know if ROACH actually did this or not but regardless they continue to inspire hatred and in the wrong hands this can be devastating. I have always said that they have been somewhat irresponsible with the way they address their sentiments against the RLSH and now we are seeing the sickening consequences of their approach bear their dark fruits.

Let's not kid ourselves. We know that there are some "eccentric" characters in the RLSH. We know that some of them can say some outlandish things. We know that you can't take the words or actions of a select few RLSH who do not always act or speak appropriately and paint the whole movement as wrong. The same can be said about this recent attack on Zetaman... and yes, I'm calling it an attack because it was a voluntary targeting of his property and it's subsequent destruction along with a calling card left behind. It would be unfair to put push this incident to the front lines and say "this is why all RLSVs and ROACH are nothing more than hate-mongering, irresponsible fiends". AS much as I dislike them you can't slap that kind of a label on them across the board. However, one thing is becoming apparent - ROACH is inspiring people to do some very seriously messed up shit. They like to say it's just satire. There is nothing satirical about what happened to Zetaman.

ROACH counts amongst it's ranks and it's allies people who are ex-felons, have admitted to frequent use of illegal drugs, people with anti-Semetic email addresses, supposedly ex-skinheads, those that believe in solving problems thru violence, those who proclaim with pride their love of hate mongering, and people who think kids with cancer should be exterminated so as not to contaminate the gene pool. Some have even gone so far as to say "it's nothing personal. It's just business."

What was done to Zetaman was not business. It was VERY personal.
Lord Malignance once said something to the effect of "evil does not promote violence." Well apparently evil promotes and inspires veiled threats and vandalism. Agent Berylium once said that she would never agree to a cease fire between RLSH and ROACH / RLSVs, even referring to the RLSH as "pigs". Right now it seems to me that pigs are alot cleaner than the RLSVs, even if they were found wallowing in mud and their own feces.

Zetaman did not deserve what was done to him and the hand of encouragement by ROACH in this regard was made abundantly clear. Yeah, maybe they didn't pull the trigger on the act but as long as they continue to glorify their hate mongering and pad their egos with one insult against the RLSH after the other inspired acts of criminal behavior like this will only get worse. I wonder how long it will be before videos of people threatening the RLSH turn into actual physical harm against a RLSH. Alot of RLSVs are sitting back and waiting for one RLSH to screw up bad so they can slam the whole movement and say "I told you so".

Well maybe I should sit back with a slab of cheese and wait for the same thing to go down with the RLSVs because from the looks of things it may be sooner than we think.

You inspired people to vandalism in your name ROACH. What else will you inspire people with bad intentions to do?

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