"When good people in any country cease their vigilance and struggle, then evil men prevail." - Pearl S. Buck

"The moment we break faith with one another, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out." - James Baldwin

About me.....

My photo
I'm a dreamer and perhaps too much of an eternal optimist. I always try to look at the glass as half full. Defiant and ferocious towards those who would seek to unjustly harm others, I speak my mind...for better or worse. Where as some view compassion as a weakness I view it as a strength. I try not to live in the shadows of my regrets because doing so dims the light and the promise of a new day. I do not strive for perfection for this is the quest of fools and denies a man the blessings of humility. The bonds of true friendship and family are to be protected...sometimes by the cunning, stealth, and tenaciousness of a mouse but other times by the wrath and fury of the dragon. I am one and yet I am both. This is my truth.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Catching Up on Captain Blacks Wisdom

My apologies to my friend Captain Black as I have been negligent in posting his
many pearls of wisdom. Take heed both friends and foes of the RLSH movement - you
should learn something from what he says and if you don't then I'm not sure what to
tell you.

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Creative Homeboys, Homegirls & Hometown Security

Who secures our hometowns after the police and private officers are counted? The short list stops at us. We, the general public, are society's last ( and largest ) line of defense, but not in the crazy militia sense that's been making headlines.

One form of hometown security I especially love promoting is creative concerned citizenship, particularly what the media calls the real life superhero ( RLSH ) movement. Comprised of unconventional homeboys and girls of all kinds, we use comic book/pulp fiction as inspiration to lead fantastic lives.

The RLSH approach to hometown security pumps new blood into the veins of community emergency management. After 9/11 you'd think the ranks of part time EMTs; volunteer fire fighters; police auxiliaries and other citizen servers would have swelled to new highs. Even innovations like Community Emergency Response Teams ( CERTS ) tasked with deploying trained citizen search parties are undermanned.

Sadly, after the smoke clears and adrenaline wanes the public ( society's last and largest line of defense y'all ) returns to business as usual. Would-be crusaders return to slaying more mundane dragons: namely earning livings and raising families. Real life superheroes spark great interest in the otherwise unglamorous work of doing good. For free! Out of your own tight pocket! Hometown security needs inspired citizens otherwise our towns become increasingly insecure.

This weekend I provided two very able members of my Street Team to provide security for a hip hop non-profit I've donated to. It uses creative writing and performance as juvenile rehabilitation. This kind of crime fighting is very RLSH-friendly because the founder, himself a former juvenile probation officer and rapper, considered me an ally who knew intimately the power of creativity in public safety. He knew if anyone could honor a last minute staffing request it was Capt. Black. It feels nice having friends like my Street Team with whom you can help save small parts of folks world. Hometown security was served not only by protecting his patrons but also the venue- an American Legion post.

My brand as a RLSH made him seek help so he could safely raised funds to help others- a win win for all involved.

Many members of this Movement have similar stories. Creative hometown security means being an unconventional helper folks can contact. A costumed participant at a walkathon or in commercials for charity can transform apathy into action. Our hometowns have hunger, hopelessness and crime to tackle. If we can inspire and more importantly organize people to see hometown security as extensions of their own then our job is done.

Failing to provide hometown security means eventually failing to provide homeland security... that's where creativity can save the day!

B.L.A.C.K Power Anybody?


B.L.A.C.K. power is what I promote. It's not color based but is based upon the five principles comprising the acronym. It's a code of conduct for people wanting to be more than their resumes. The individual has to decide his place in society, regardless of opposition. When selecting a real life superhero name, I created " Capt. Black " as my contribution to this movement. Obviously I'm Black, but these five principles are common to good folks of any color. While an advocate for inner city safety and success, safety and success anywhere is my overall concern. My bittersweet experience with American racial attitudes informed choosing the " Black " in my Capt. Black brand name in this way. Our fight against racism has involved at least these five principles. They're also present in any group promoting decency and self-development.

The 1960s Black Power movement gave America one definition of this phrase. It fought that era's Apartheid and inspired generations of activists afterward. My definition of B.L.A.C.K. power was born in late 20th century urban challenges and also celebrates anyone using these five principles to combat today's problems. My color has been used as the basis for receiving very evil treatment. It has also been a ringside seat for learning how to fight crime and promote self-development in the shadow of hostile institutions. These are the lessons I share with like minded people who want America to be more than what we see daily.

If you want a safer, more prosperous country for everyone that makes you B.L.A.C.K. in my book.

B.L.A.C.K. power anybody?

Superheroes Aren't Always Costumed

Long before I thought real life superheroes ( RLSH ) could actually exist I contented myself in the exploits of exceptional people without fancy names or outfits.

My list of real life superheroes is always growing and accommodates diverse folks like Alexander Dumas; Toussaint L’Ouverture; Booker T. Washington; Frederick Douglas; Theodore " Teddy " Roosevelt; Douglas McArthur; the Tuskegee Airmen; George Patton; Harry Truman; Paul Robeson; Hosea Williams; Joseph Lowery; Medgar Evers; Noble Drew Ali; the Honorable Elijah Muhammad; Malcolm X; Muhammad Ali; John F. Kennedy; Robert Kennedy; Benjamin Hooks; Colin Powell; Clarence Thomas; Earl Winthorp De veaux ( maternal grandfather ); Gloria Evelyn Wilson DeVeaux ( maternal grandmother ); W.W. Law; Sam Jones; Adeeb Shabazz and others. They may not have the same politics but they inspire me nonetheless. Inspiration comes from many directions and I'm always on the lookout for it. The real world can drain the heart of wonder. It can be a depressing place made even more so by todays headlines. That's where studying great lives famous and not-so-famous helps self-motivation keep going.

Wesley Autrey is one not-so-famous real life superhero who leapt onto a New York subway and shielded someone who'd fallen onto the tracks with his own body! As heroic as when service members throw themselves on enemy grenades to save their comrades-in-arms, I always reflect upon Autrey's astonishing courage.

Google his name and give your spirits a much needed treat: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wesley_Autrey

Someone like him and everyone mentioned boldly says just how great we can be. Wesley Autrey and the others remind the world real life superheroes aren't always costumed!

Crime fighting for Purpose or Profit

One phase of my stealth " real life superhero ( RLSH ) " activities before the Movement was keeping tabs on suspects and/or declared fugitives. Information gathered was forwarded to the appropriate agency. As a dutiful bounty hunter earning rewards drove this alongside civic duty. I'm not opposed to catching criminals for pay; law enforcement does it every day. Opponents of bounty hunting should be able to magically make policing pro bono and watch officers surge to resign!

RLSH normally don't fight crime for profit. Many feel it's anathema to the Movement's overall altruism. Others reply any monies accepted should be used to fund homeless outreach or equipment needs. Real life superheroes, overtly or covertly, have access to information police would find interesting. As a RLSH whose background includes bounty hunting and security consulting I've made a living from what we usually do for free. Reconciling the two is easy, because I genuinely enjoy contributing to public safety. The bulk of my efforts, stealth and openly RLSH, is freely given.

Deciding whether crime fighting should become a revenue stream is a personal choice. I fight crime for a purpose: to help people help themselves become safer and alternately, persuading criminals to become their higher selves. Self-development is an even more effective crime fighting strategy than patrolling and even RLSH-inspired community coalitions ( RICCs ). The worst crime in my " Crime ISN'T A Civil Right! " conversations and presentation is working against being your better self. That's what drives my activities past, present and future.

Money's nice, but the above reasons are reward enough for me and real life superhero es generally. We fight crime for a higher purpose not merely for profit!

Pardon Me While I save The World

e greatest beauty of the real life superhero ( RLSH ) movement is no permission is needed to become one. There's no board of examiners; background checks or other hurdles to leap.

There are several manuals and one school out there for the preparation of experienced and neophyte RLSH. The point is each of us is free to become his or her vision of what a " superhero " or related figure should be. That's very liberating in a world preaching limits, even when limitation largely contributes to needless misery. We show more conventional concerned citizens that they can make folks sit up and take notice.

He only has to give himself permission to do so.

RLSH philosophy may one day take its place alongside Abraham Maslows hierarchy of needs or even something esoteric like Law of Attraction. real life superheroism celebrates how big individual imagination stretches someones life. We have within our ranks people more weird than even the wildest fictional characters. We also count men and women whose stature approaches being legendary. Such scope is a case study in human potential waiting to be done.

We provide eloquent testimony on how amazing life becomes when someone first gives himself permission.

Or said another way, " Pardon me while I save the world! "

Communication: A RLSH Necessity

You know you're living right when young people ask you for career advice. In a days time two aspiring members of the real life superhero ( RLSH ) movement approached me- the first on line ; the second by phone.

This is an unexpected bonus to living my dream come true: advising others how to do the same... in their own way. Last year saw me regularly e-mail; chat and talk with fellow RLSH.

I've communicated with some of the big names in the Movement. I've done the same with not-so big names and people from related groups. As of this writing I haven't personally met any RLSH but look forward to that footnote in my history. While most of us are solo acts, communication assures success as individuals and as a subculture. I know only too well the highs and lows of visionary living. Toss in this unconventional take on concerned citizenship and there's a definite need for dialog.

This Movement is too precious to hoard to ourselves. Having experienced its scope I know the temptation to be latter day Lone Rangers. Alot of us are the only RLSH within respective city limits. My hope is we'll reach out not only to each other always to more conventional concerned citizens. Whether you're a cyber crusader or actually get out publicly, building rapport helps get the job done. Our impact grows with the amount of relationships created. We're a broad coalition of very creative ( sometimes cantankerous ) folks who use fiction to leverage fantastic results from ourselves and everyone we meet.

Any real life superhero checklist would be woefully incomplete if it doesn't include communication as an absolute necessity.

Communication is a super power unto itself, comforting fellow RLSH and inspiring fellow citizens to become champions in their own right!

(912) 272-2898


  1. You should post we when referencing adhering words of wisdom, to say you posits yourself at a higher position than others, in a sense making you seem like you believe you are superior and have no need to adhere to his words. When in fact we all should listen and heed those words constantly.

  2. First of all Virus, you just destroyed the English language in the first half of your statement. Miriam-Webster just rolled over in his grave over the lack of coherent writing you just put out.

    Secondly, I've been reading alot of your posts, not only on your blog every now and then but on the blogs of other RLSVs, villians, and neutral parties. Then I took at look at your profile and I saw that your interests are something along the lines of "frustrating superheroes" and "playing mind games". Sicne your all about so-called research about RLSH and you've been supposedly formulating your thoughts on the matter for what seems like eternity while all the while bashing, humiliating, and celebrating every bad thing that happens to the RLSH and the movement I'm just going to say the following...

    You are nothing more than an RLSV/villian bootlicker and I do not know if there is enough toilet paper in the world to wipe the stains off your snout from all the constant brown nosing you do with other villians. Your gig is up and that little modicum of respect I had for you well...consider it gone. Lastly, this is my blog so don't come over here trying to tell me what to do with it. Take that arrogant bullshit attitude someplace else.
