"When good people in any country cease their vigilance and struggle, then evil men prevail." - Pearl S. Buck

"The moment we break faith with one another, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out." - James Baldwin

About me.....

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I'm a dreamer and perhaps too much of an eternal optimist. I always try to look at the glass as half full. Defiant and ferocious towards those who would seek to unjustly harm others, I speak my mind...for better or worse. Where as some view compassion as a weakness I view it as a strength. I try not to live in the shadows of my regrets because doing so dims the light and the promise of a new day. I do not strive for perfection for this is the quest of fools and denies a man the blessings of humility. The bonds of true friendship and family are to be protected...sometimes by the cunning, stealth, and tenaciousness of a mouse but other times by the wrath and fury of the dragon. I am one and yet I am both. This is my truth.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Things are looking up....and sometimes that sucks!!!

Well it's been a while since my last blog but things have been anything but a doldrum in the last few weeks. Clash of ideologies, truths revealed, and motivations, both sinister and benign, made clearer than ever before.

There are a plethora of problems that plague our world and test our mettle on a daily basis. I rarely delve into the realm of politics as I am admittedly not that well versed in navigating the shark pit that constitutes the political scene. Truth be told I think most politicians are slaves to special interest groups and if we found out the real number of shady backroom deals that go down we would probably vomit from how nauseous it would make us. However I saw a friend of mine put this up on Facebook today and I could not help but read it and shake my head in disgust. I'm a proud American; I love my country even with it's faults because even as flawed as it is I think we are the best nation in a world often struggling in the grips of despair. Still, I think we should be better than this...


The poverty level continues to grow, African Americans struggle against higher rates of unemployment, and the American dollar has less and less financial impact with the passing day. Add to that the growing national debt and the increase in both our dependance on foreign oil and the price of a gallon of gas and the picture does not look so good. I heard on the radio the other day that Saudi Arabia was concerned about an over supply of oil and was cutting production of oil by about 800,000 barrels...and they are supposed to be our "allies". Let me remind you all that the majority of suicide bombers from 9/11 were also from Saudi Arabia..just throwing that out there. Lastly, the average income of an American household is decreasing so ladies and gentlemen it seems like we have no choice but to stretch that dollar alot farther than ever before. All of these statistics by the way are during the Obama adminstration (in now way am I using this fact to bash the guy but it is what it is.)

Now I know there's been alot of conflict lately in the blogosphere in terms of the whole RLSH / people who don't like the RLSH. I do understand that some of it is satire but lately alot of it has REALLY crossed some very disturbing lines, far beyond "satire" and easily into the realm of legitimate mental and potentially physical harm to people on both sides. I'm no fan of the RLSV but if the stuff I read by Tothian really was from him then he needs some serious help. He was flat out wrong. I'm also not a fan of seeing people I call friends get messages from those that they have specifically requested a "Leave me and my peeps alone" stance. On a personal level let me state that I have no desire to visit any mistreatment on anyone. But if you rise up and rally to the defense of your own you would be naive to think we would not do the same. It is my belief and always will be that the creative energy that is used to often inflict harm or ridicule upon one another is so could be better used against problems far more important, ones that have a much stronger effect on our lives...like many of the document presented.

But if anyone thinks I'm going soft...take that crap somewhere else. You should know better than that.  If you think that some guy dressing up in a costume and saying "I'm a RLSH" is more important than paying $4-5 for a gallon of gas or being laid off because the economy is so bad that your job is being handed to a guy in India or the Philipines for 1/3 of your salary (it happened to 200 friends of mine all at once 4 years ago) then pardon me for saying this but you are delusional idiot. If you think a guy dressing up as a RLSH is more important than our soldiers dying or getting maimed protecting countries that more often than not flat out don't like us then again you are a delusional idiot. This also applies to the RLSH to a degree. If you are helping people in need then that is great and noble. However, doing so does not elevate you above others and the moment you start thinking it does then you will not only find more detractors banging at your door but you will probably deserve alot of the grief they hand you. A word of advice for those on both sides...choose your words and actions carefully as each often carries consequences we are not always expecting or ready for.

As Spiderman told the Green Goblin when he found out Mary Jane had been kidnapped... "There are more important things right now than this thing between you and me."

Damn right there are...

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