"When good people in any country cease their vigilance and struggle, then evil men prevail." - Pearl S. Buck

"The moment we break faith with one another, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out." - James Baldwin

About me.....

My photo
I'm a dreamer and perhaps too much of an eternal optimist. I always try to look at the glass as half full. Defiant and ferocious towards those who would seek to unjustly harm others, I speak my mind...for better or worse. Where as some view compassion as a weakness I view it as a strength. I try not to live in the shadows of my regrets because doing so dims the light and the promise of a new day. I do not strive for perfection for this is the quest of fools and denies a man the blessings of humility. The bonds of true friendship and family are to be protected...sometimes by the cunning, stealth, and tenaciousness of a mouse but other times by the wrath and fury of the dragon. I am one and yet I am both. This is my truth.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Of Birthdays and Civil Protests

So it's been a while since this wee little mouse posted something on his blog. I've been chilling out, taking a break from the whole blog scene. Coming back to it I see that little has changed - the RLSH still press on with their good deeds in spite of being hounded and mocked by alot of the RLSV. Tothian is still wandering about with his philosophical musings and making outlandish statements, as is Master Legend. But I like Master Legend - he's probably a bit on the legitimate crazy side but he does good and ultimately I think that is what matters. The so called RLSV have not changed...and that's too bad. Like I've said before, spending so much time in front of a computer screen and dedicating your lives to making fun of the RLSH is rather sad. I'd like to be sympathetic to them but they do a poor job earning any.

Now on to recent events. Yesterday was my mothers birthday. Yes indeed, she turned a 78 but you would be hard pressed to find a woman as spry and wily as my mom at that age. So to celebrate the occasion we decided to take her out to Olive Garden to eat. Prior to this we had bought her a fruit basket, complete with flowers and balloons and also bought her some nice clothes and a pair of shoes. We took our two kids to Olive Garden, that alone was a test of patience by itself. My children tend to get a bit unruly at times and it's always a bit of an adventure when we go out - but hey, if kids did not misbehave once in a while then would they really be kids? The meal went well, the food was good, and as usual I stuffed myself so much with those mouth watering breadsticks and white sauce that I could not finish my chicken fettucini (but that just makes the leftovers to eat today all the better.) We bought my mother a dessert which was accompanied by the waiters singing "Happy Birthday". All in all it was a good time.

We left Olive Garden under a light rain. As we were getting home we passed a local music hall where an orchestra from Cuba was playing. Across the street from the music hall there was a protest going on of Cubans who had a sign that said "Salsa para Sangre" which translates to "Salsa for Blood". My mother sees this and demands that I lower the window. I do so and she starts shouting at the top of her lungs "Freedom for Cuba" and "Down with Tyranny". Jokingly me and my wife tell my mom "I'll be you would like to be with them protesting wouldn't you?".

Heres' where it gets a bit strange. My mother calmly says "Stop the car. You're right. I want to protest with
them." So I ask her "Are you serious?" to which she responds "Yes."
So I stop the car and let her out and tell her to call me when she is done protesting. Fortunately where it was being held is 5-10 minutes from my home and in a good neighborhood.

Now before anyone says "that lady is crazy" allow me to explain. The Cuban Orchestra group in question plays most of it's concerts in Cuba. It's members are very good musicians...who just happen to be very vocal in how much they love Fidel Castro.Yes, let me repeat this...they love Fidel Castro...the tyrant, the sick monster who is responsible for stifling oppression of his people and basic rights, found guilty of so many human rights violations, and who indirectly lead to the death of my uncle who died in a prison after protesting against Castros regime. In real life, Mister Jingles aside, I am named for my uncle and I carry that name proudly. He stood up to a monster and his evil machine and never backed down. He paid for it with his life but at least he had the courage to stand up for something right.

So around 9 PM I get a call from my mom that says "Come pick me up. We are done." I sighed a great relief to know that she did not call me from a police lock up/cell, my fears of her being arrested for civil disobedience subsided. When I picked her up I asked her "So how did it go?" She said "Oh, we had a good time. Every time some one would show up to he concert who displayed any form of support for Castro or the orchestra we would call the bastards or prostitutes. I've almost lost my voice from all that shouting. They deserve what they got. They support a monster who oppresses and abuses his own people and has been doing it for decade. Someone has to stand up to him and shout to the world that it's not right."

Ladies and gentleman, my little mouse heart, at that moment, swelled so much pride that I thought it would explode from my chest. Here was an 78 year old woman, on her birthday, still burning with the fires of justice which had in no way diminished over the years. I felt very proud of my mother, very proud to be her son and as I've said before, I think I understand why I am the way I am and why I am so ardent in my beliefs. She did what she has done her whole life - stand up for what is right and defend the people and their beliefs that needed it the most.

I've said this before and I'll say it again. I consider myself a good person. I love my family and I care a great deal about my friends. I hate bullies and I despise people who spend their time trashing folks who go out and fight the good fight or work hard to do good deeds for those who need it the most. I have zero tolerance for racism, be it spoken, portrayed in art or pictures, and for better or worse I will always root for the underdog if what they are trying to accomplish is noble and worthwhile. I don't write this blog for the sake of popularity or egomania. I'm not writing it to entice people to become my friend. I write it to express what I feel and whatever inspires me to take the time to do so. Otherwise I have a life beyond the computer screen, which today probably includes going to the beach with my family.

My mother inspired me yesterday. She did so because she showed me that if you believe in what is right then do not be afraid to express it and don't let age get in the way. She showed me, as she has so many times, that it's important to stand up for the people who need it the most and against those who would prey upon good people or who support those that do.

I may not blog as often as I did but I will still blog because sometimes you gotta tell it like it is.Now somebody pass me a slab of cheddar cheese and a Corona. The beach is calling and the sun is shining. I'm outta here!!! ;)


  1. Thank you Malvado. I have been laying back for the most part and watching events unfold in both the RLSH and RLSV community and I have to be honest with you. You seem to have put most or all of the hate behind you and taken the time to learn more about what is going on and that is a good thing. Once again thank you for the well wishes and I hope things for you are going well also.

    And as for Arizona, I don't think they can handle the combination of the hardcore simian Sound Vandal and the in your face mouse of mayhem. We would own their ass!!! ;)

  2. May God bless your dear mother with good health and long life. She should be proud of her son as well.
