"When good people in any country cease their vigilance and struggle, then evil men prevail." - Pearl S. Buck

"The moment we break faith with one another, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out." - James Baldwin

About me.....

My photo
I'm a dreamer and perhaps too much of an eternal optimist. I always try to look at the glass as half full. Defiant and ferocious towards those who would seek to unjustly harm others, I speak my mind...for better or worse. Where as some view compassion as a weakness I view it as a strength. I try not to live in the shadows of my regrets because doing so dims the light and the promise of a new day. I do not strive for perfection for this is the quest of fools and denies a man the blessings of humility. The bonds of true friendship and family are to be protected...sometimes by the cunning, stealth, and tenaciousness of a mouse but other times by the wrath and fury of the dragon. I am one and yet I am both. This is my truth.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Creature Feature 2/6/10 - Scoops and Poop

Well it's been a few days since the Creature Feature show of 2/6/2010 and I wanted to offer my thoughts and perspective on it for people to think about.

The show was extremely educational, with several RLSH offering their thoughts of the movement in terms of what they felt was right and wrong about it. Wall Creeper was very well prepared, offering keen insights on the movement and even breaking down how he perceives RLSH membership to be in 4 primary types of RLSH participation. Of special note was the clear distinction between what the RLSH do and vigilantism, the latter being something that RLSH in general do not condone. Silver Sentinel was also an excellent source of information and brought his personal knowledge to the table, particularly when about performing RLSH functions in costume, the significance of the costume, and when to do things as a RLSH out of costume. All in all I found his insight to be on of the best parts of the show. Master Legend came on the show but did not say a whole lot which is unfortunate as it would have been interesting to hear about some of the things he has experienced during his many years of service as a RLSH. Meow from the Meow and Friends show was on as well and she came in very fiery and animated about the whole issue of the RLSH. She favors the movement and supports it but expressed her desire to see less bickering and more going out and getting the job done. Other points made were how difficult it is to authenticate a RLSH - anyone can put on a mask or costume and claim to be a RLSH but ultimately actions speak louder than words. I believe Zetaman also chimed in as well and rightfully so - he is considered by many as one of the primary and most respected members of the RLSH movement.

Oh but what would a debate about the RLSH be without someone on there who stands to oppose it on practically every level, namely Poop Knife (or perhaps more appropriately Tim)). Poop talked about what he perceives as arrogance in the RLSH movement by them taking on the descriptor of "Superhero". The general response to this seemed to be that very few RLSH consider themselves to be true superheroes but that the name somehow stuck over time and developed a deep association with them for better or worse, partly due to the media. If anything the RLSH on the show were humble and their feelings very well thought out, a far cry from what I consider to be a gross exaggeration of the so-called "arrogance" of the RLSH. But to expect anything other than negative bias from a hardcore RLSV is rather silly anyways.

In Poops recent blog about the show he alludes to something negative in Master Legends past, something about a person named Red Scorpion. In a recent blog the Potentate mentions that Poop offered him some unsavory knowledge about Master Legend. So when Master Legend came on the show and Poop was on the line I expected Poop to confront Master Legend about this...and it never happened. There it was, a prime opportunity for Poop to question Master Legend about this supposedly negative incident and he didn't. It appears to me and based on some digging that I've done that Poop has a personal vendetta against Master Legend. I won't reveal my sources but needless to say that Poop had his chance and dropped the ball. This seems a bit cowardly to me but lack of spine seems to be a common theme amongst the more aberrant members of the RLSV.

During early exchanges with Poop on my blog he insisted that it was wrong for the RLSH to wear costumes or masks, insisting that they did not need it to do what they do. However, here is a quote from Poops recent blog about the Creature Feature show 2/6 with regards to the Silver Sentinel:

"He is another member involved with his local neighborhood watch and understands when and when not to use the mask."

So despite belittling me in previous blogs about by reasoning for why RLSH sometimes wear uniforms or masks to do what they do, here is Poop clearly agreeing with a RLSH that sometimes the mask or uniform is appropriate. No worries there Poop- it's not the first time you have back pedaled and chances are it won't be the last. I'd also like to clarify something that Poop suggested in his blog with regards to accountability. The RLSH are no different than any other citizen - they are held to the same legal standards and punishments as anyone else. The fact that they are trying to help people does not give them any special blanket of legal protection. So for him to imply that RLSH are not held accountable for their actions is ridiculous. As for sanctioning, I once again refer to the Good Samaritan and Citizens Arrest laws of the United States; if a person is following them then they are abiding by the law (much to the chagrin of many RLSV).

It was also brought to my attention that not everyone felt that the show was that great. Well you are entitled to your opinion but I happen to wholeheartedly disagree. The show offered a candid insight into the thinking process of many RLSH, the challenges they face, and the methodology of what they do. Executrix deserves a tremendous amount of credit for this and shame on those who think otherwise. So I offer a hearty "Thank You" to Executrix, my most vivacious villainous vixen for a job well done.

And Poop, in case you are waiting for me to call you a Nazi live on air you might have to wait a bit longer. But if you are waiting for someone to question you live on the air as to why the email on your blog is listed as follows:


Well, you probably won't have to wait to long for that to happen. ;)


  1. When he says that Silver Sentinel knows when/when not to use the mask isn't the same as saying he believes they SHOULD wear the uniform. He is just stating that Sentinel knows when to cut the schtick, which is sometimes a rare treat on both sides.


  2. You're circling around the issue. Look at the quote again, without the ROACH-goggles on (yeah I know I'm asking for alot there but give it a shot). In our early blog duels Poop was steadfastly against EVER wearing a mask, costume, or uniform for ANY reason. You can interpret his quote however you wish but his quote implies an understanding of when a mask or costume is beneficial to the task at hand and when it is not necessary for said task. So somewhere along the lines Poop seems to be agreeing with Silver Sentinel that sometimes the mask/costume helps and other times it's best to go the civilian route. And amazingly enough...(insert dramatic pause here)... I happen to agree.

    Here's an example. Imagine a RLSH wearing a bulky costume with body armor or a long coat of some kind and various accoutrements on their utility belt. Then imagine they decide to put their charitable nature to work in Habitat for Humanity, helping to build a house. This job is heavy labor and it would be foolish and perhaps even unhealthy for the RLSH to engage in this with his standard costume. The heat alone would be unbearable, nevermind the decreased mobility.
    So in this case, IMHO the RLSH should drop the costume and maybe go with a t-shirt or something that in some way represents his standing as a RLSH but otherwise dress in civilian mode.

    I lead a charity function in July of last year for a local Kids Art Museum. The school had a week they dubbed Superheroes Week and specifically invited us as a branch of a larger charity organization to show up and give a presentation to the kids about helping out in their community and the importance of continued education. We were encouraged to come in our costumes as one of the teachers had attended a panel we did at a con dedicated to kids and was impressed by us. We showed up in costume, did the presentation and even had a costume contest for the kids in which we gave away free toys as prizes. The kids, parents, and teachers loved it and the kids marveled at us in costume as if we were larger than life figuires. When one of the kids asked me "Are you a superhero?", I said "I'm just someone trying to make the world a better place." The costumes sparked alot of questions from the kids and the parents and opened the doorway of communication and expressing what we were/are all about. At that point and time, the costume was not only necessary but enhanced the experience.

    And for the record I agree with you on something else. Both sides of this issue have elements that blur the line between schtick and true negative expression of their side that goes beyond the schtick (see the White Skull situation). The first comment Poop made about the RLSH on the first show he came on was suggesting that alot/most RLSH walk around patrolling as out of control vigilantes with real guns which is grossly untrue. This is the kind of false propaganda that the RLSH deal with constantly, much of it heaped upon them by RLSV-type elements but admittedly also by the media.

    Thank you for your respectful response. I'd villify the RLSV movement less often but by their words and actions they pretty much bring it upon themselves. I'm proud of the fact that I help people when I can and that I use my costume/uniform when appropriate to sometimes enhance my efforts and I've had a alot of positive reactions as a result. If it means I have to walk around with a bullseye on my chest and take shots from people who "don't get it" then so be it. I'm more concerned about actions than titles or glory.

  3. And as sidenote, seriously, why would anyone associate their email address with "Nazi"? I doubt this was by accident. It's also blatantly obvious by Poops blogs, MySpace page (which he hides under another name) and posts by the Potentate that Poop is using his status as a so-called RLSV to exercise his deep rooted seething dislike (perhaps bordering on hatred) of Master Legend. And yet when he was on the Creature Feature show with Master Legend on the line he did not confront him at all. I say if Poop is going be flinging accusations and innuendo at Master Legend then Poop should at least demonstrate that he was born with some testicular fortitude and confront his nemesis head on with his issues. He had his chance and he blew it. With Poop I think it's lvery little about a true dislike of the RLSH movement and more about his obsessive hatred of Master Legend.

  4. True, my side does bring a dislike from the RLSH's, but it's kind of supposed to be that way...some forget that. If we didn't want to get some static, why be the villain? It's not like that word brings about the warm and fuzzy. Each villain, as each hero, are in it for different reasons. My problem is with the few (heroes) that take it too far, and move away from the neighborhood watch and charity phase to something more serious. Because they would then be technically villains, and I don't need anymore competition.

    Oh, and world domination as well...I'm in it for that too.

    And as far as not going after Master Legend, perhaps it was a miss of an opportunity, perhaps it was being polite enough to not turn a show into a flame-war and get hung up on. And I hope you see from my responses that not all villains are truly evil and rude...you bastard.

  5. I believe the RLSH that you speak of that take it too far are deemed as vigilantes. One of the things that Creature Feature did a good job of was show that there is a delineation between the civic-minded, charity-working, law biding RLSH (including some who do patrol within legal parameters and with the blessing of local law enforcement and government) and the hardcore vigilantes. I'm not a big fan of vigilantes either but neither am I a fan of the whole RLSH movement being plagued with lies and false propaganda. Just as you have issue with RLSH who take it too far I have issues with RLSV who take their schtick too far. I hate to bring it up again but the White Skull situation was really eye opening. He openly stated that there were RLSVs that were pushing him hard to do things that were close to true criminal acts. Perhaps you would agree or perhaps not but I see that as crossing certain lines that should never be crossed. I like the balance that Executrix has with her villain status - she finds away to use it to help people, has lots of RLSH friends, and is a generally respected member of the RLSH community despite openly proclaiming herself as an RLSV.

    As for why I'm doing this, well it's too help people.... and corner the market on all types of exotic cheese. Hey, what did you expect from a mouse? So if you do achieve world domination just understand that you will have to relinquish all the cheese to me or we will do battle!!!

    I still think Poop's obsession with Master Legend borders on a deep personal hatred. He's made a VERY SERIOUS psuedo-accusation on his blog about it and if you go to his MySpace page which he has listed under the psuedonym "Free Information" and you will see that in the "People He's Like To Meet" section he puts "the Prosecuting attorney in the Master Legend case". Now I'm not an attorney but if I remember correctly (and having gone thru this recently with evicting a lousy tenant) certain court cases are matters of public record and if one navigates the proper channels one can get the information they want. Poop is obnoxious but he's not an idiot.
    My point is that if what he is insinuating is true then he's had plenty of chances to let the entire cat out of the bag, either on his blog, on a Blog Talk show like Creature Feature or Meow and Friends, on MySpace, ect.

    Lastly, for all the times that the RLSV question the moral and ethical integrity of the RLSH, there are plenty of RLSV that I would deem as crackpots and genuinely low character peeps. Alot of RLSV condemn the RLSH for things that they themselves do often and then fall back on the "oh but we are villians" excuse and to a certain degree I think that is a cop out.

    And yes I see that not all villains are truly evil or rude and that's great....but I'm one of the good guys so I'm obligated to say the following....villains still suck!!! ;)
