"When good people in any country cease their vigilance and struggle, then evil men prevail." - Pearl S. Buck

"The moment we break faith with one another, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out." - James Baldwin

About me.....

My photo
I'm a dreamer and perhaps too much of an eternal optimist. I always try to look at the glass as half full. Defiant and ferocious towards those who would seek to unjustly harm others, I speak my mind...for better or worse. Where as some view compassion as a weakness I view it as a strength. I try not to live in the shadows of my regrets because doing so dims the light and the promise of a new day. I do not strive for perfection for this is the quest of fools and denies a man the blessings of humility. The bonds of true friendship and family are to be protected...sometimes by the cunning, stealth, and tenaciousness of a mouse but other times by the wrath and fury of the dragon. I am one and yet I am both. This is my truth.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Poops Obsession against Master Legend marches on

Gee whiz Tim Norton, your manic mentally unstable obsession and hatred you have against against Master Legend only deepens by the day. That mental counseling I suggested would do you a world of good. Oh I'm sorry about using your real name Poop Knife. My bad.

His latest blog involving the RLSH known as the Eye and the quote he took from the Eye. A clear shot at Master Legend of course but such comments coming from a mentally unhinged hate-mongerer like Poop Knife (with his sparkling email of King0Nazi@gmail.com) are expected. But as is and will be the case the RLSH community will march forward despite the spiteful ramblings of our most beloved blade wielding pile of feces. Members of RLSH do not always share the same views but despite these differences they move forward making positive change and helping people. Taking from the recent mission that Tea Krulos had with the Zetaman and the other RLSH from Seattle sometimes the efforts of the RLSH are a small spark of hope in what is a miasma of misery for many of the downtrodden.

But you RLSV's out there, keep sitting on your fat crusty asses doing nothing more than writing your sarcasm and hate-filled blogs. I'm sure your blogs will keep a homeless person warmer than a blanket handed out by Zetaman. I'm sure you're blogs will ease the hunger pangs of a starving homeless person better than a sandwich handed out by Gheist will. I'm sure your blogs will offer a small child dying of cancer more hope than a RLSH coming to the hospital to visit them and cheer them up. RLSV’s, can your vitriolic blogs dial a cell phone to report a crime in the making or tip off the local authorities to a potentially life-threatening situation better than a patrolling RLSH can? It’s pretty sad and pathetic when the best thing you RLSV can come up with is the glorified sale of T-shirts and biased interviews from some ire-ridden guy with a chip of his shoulder .

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Selective Interpretation won;t save him - Part 2

Now one to Citizen's Arrest laws.

Historically, in Anglo Saxon law in medieval England citizen's arrests were an important part of community law enforcement. Sheriffs encouraged and relied upon active participation by able bodied persons in the towns and villages of their jurisdiction. From this legacy originated the concept of the posse comitatus which is a part of the United States legal tradition as well as the English. In medieval England, the right of private persons to make arrests was virtually identical to the right of a sheriff and constable to do so. (See Inbau and Thompson, Criminal Procedure, The Foundation Press, Mineola, NY 1974.

A strong argument can be made that the right to make a citizen's arrest is a constitutionally protected right under the Ninth Amendment as its impact includes the individual's natural right to self preservation and the defense of the others. Indeed, the laws of citizens arrest appear to be predicated upon the effectiveness of the Second Amendment. Simply put, without firepower, people are less likely going to be able to make a citizen's arrest. A random sampling of the various states as well as the District of Columbia indicates that a citizen's arrest is valid when a public offense was committed in the presence of the arresting private citizen or when the arresting private citizen has a reasonable belief that the suspect has committed a felony, whether or not in the presence of the arresting citizen.

In the most crime ridden spot in the country, our nation's capitol, District of Columbia Law 23- 582(b) reads as follows:

(b) A private person may arrest another -

(1) who he has probable cause to believe is committing in his presence -

(A) a felony, or

(B) an offense enumerated in section 23-581 (a)(2); or

(c) Any person making an arrest pursuant to this section shall deliver the person arrested to a law enforcement officer without unreasonable delay. (July 29, 1970, 84 Stat. 630, Pub. L. 91-358, Title II, § 210(a); 1973 Ed., § 23-582; Apr. 30, 1988, D.C. Law 7-104, § 7(e), 35 DCR 147.)

But it does vary from state to state, for example:

In Tennessee, it has been held that a private citizen has the right to arrest when a felony has been committed and he has reasonable cause to believe that the person arrested committed it. Reasonable grounds will justify the arrest, whether the facts turn out to be sufficient or not. (See Wilson v. State, 79 Tenn. 310 (1833).

Contrast this to Massachusetts law, which while permitting a private person to arrest for a felony, permits those acquitted of the felony charge to sue the arresting person for false arrest or false imprisonment. (See Commonwealth v. Harris, 11 Mass. App. 165 (1981))

Kentucky law holds that a person witnessing a felony must take affirmative steps to prevent it, if possible. (See Gill v. Commonwealth, 235 KY 351 (1930.)

Indeed, Kentucky citizens are permitted to kill fleeing felons while making a citizen's arrest (Kentucky Criminal Code § 37; S 43, §44.)

Utah law permits citizen's arrest, but explicitly prohibits deadly force. (See Chapter 76-2-403.)

And important note regarding citizens arrests is the level of force used to make one. Making citizen's arrest maliciously or without reasonable basis in belief could lead to civil or criminal penalties. It would obviously be a violation of a suspect's civil rights to use excessive force, to torture, to hold in unsafe or cruel conditions or to invent a reason to arrest for the ulterior motive of settling a private score. Civil lawsuits against department stores, police departments, and even cult deprogrammers for false imprisonment are legend. Anybody who makes a citizens arrest should not use more force than is necessary, should not delay in turning the suspect over to the proper authorities, and should never mete out any punishment ... unless willing to face the consequences. In terms of RLSH, the vast majority of them who make Citizens Arrests follow abide by these regulations steadfastly. They use only the degree of force necessary relative to the situation at hand, choosing to incapacitate until law enforcement arrives.

Here's California law in contrast to New York law in terms of Citizens Arrests:

California Penal Code mandates:
A private person may arrest another: 1. For a public offense committed or attempted in his presence. 2. When the person arrested has committed a felony, although not in his presence. 3. When a felony has been in fact committed, and he has reasonable cause for believing the person arrested to have committed it. (C.P.C. 837).

In contrast, New York State Consolidated Laws hold that:
Any person may arrest another person (a) for a felony when the latter has in fact committed such felony, and (b) for any offense when the latter has in fact committed such offense in his presence. (N.Y.C.L. 140.30).

In both cases, if the crime is being committed IN THE PRESENCE OF A CITIZEN then they have the legal right to perform a Citizens Arrest. So when a RLSH sees someone breaking into a car or a victim getting mugged, they would have the legal right to interject themselves, protect the victim with reasonable force, or take steps to halt the crime and make an arrest.

This does bear repeating however. Laws vary from state to state when it comes to Citizens Arrest and anyone, RLSH or not, should study them to know how far the law protects before they cross the line. RLSH is not the same as vigilantism and whoever says otherwise is either biased against or uneducated about the movement. So the bottom line is that regardless of what a "random cop questioned by a blatantly biased RLSV with a chip on his shoulder" says, if a RLSH obeys the local laws in terms of citizens arrests then the law will protect them.

As for ongoing gripe about RLSH and costume, the RLSV blogging about them needs to go back and reread his quote about the Silver Sentinel and stop being a blatant hypocrite. The RLSH Manual, which is accessible online, does a great job of explaining why some RLSH wear a costume. But if costumes are such a hangup for the RLSV then they need to demand that all their members remove their costumes, their masks, and drop the fictitious names. Until they do so their rhetoric is non sensible babble. I can see it now, because there is a chance that some overweight child molester MIGHT someday don a Santa costume and use it to lure unsuspecting children into precarious situations we should just ban people from wearing Santa costumes even if it is for a charitable cause. Oh yes, clearly costumes are the source of true malevolence - ban them all dammit!! Ban them all. Oh wait, that would mean the Bronze Bedpan would have to show us his true face. On second thought, please keep the mask and cheap sunglasses on. I beg you.

And I'm sure this biased "King0Nazi in his email address" hardcore anti-RLSH will find more law enforcement buddies to interview in the future who conveniently will express the same repressed dislike of RLSH as this most recent one because sadly, hatred and intolerance often breeds such rhetoric. And yet the RLSH will move on as they have always don, doing what they do because it really boils down to their fundamental desire to help people, a sharp contrast from the generally lazy ass, chronic whiners that compose a significant ranks of the RLSV community.

Perhaps the most profound comment of all was the following; "As the ability of the powers that be to hold society together and preserve law and order diminishes, citizen's arrests will undoubtedly be more common as a way to help communities cope with the wrongdoers in our midst." And for the record this information comes from a high ranking attorney from Boston, Massachusetts.

Oh and as for picture in your MySpace page Mr. "Free Information" (or Tim if you prefer to be called by your real name) of a cat holding a computer mouse in his mouth...real cute but hardly impressive. Now that picture of the little kid with his arm raised up and your comment about "White Power"... well that one is certainly interesting.

Selective interpretation won't save him - Part 1

So really, when a RLSVs come out with blogs where they claim to have spoken with law enforcement officials how much credibility should one put in it? I mean when the email address of some of these folks includes things like "King0Nazi" then how can one not question their moral or ethical stance? When some of them seem to be mentally unbalanced in their dogmatic crusade against one particular RLSH then questioning their sanity is not such a difficult thing. When a former RLSV comes out and openly states that members within the RLSV organization pushed, prodded, and attempted to coerce him into doing things that were very close to true criminal behavior then what right do RLSVs to take some high and mighty holier than thou moral stance? It's the same hypocrisy that they have and always will practice but ultimately they will be met with failure. And a word to the wise since some of them enjoy tossing out the law card so much. Perhaps when making accusations of involuntary manslaughter against a RLSH they should look up the laws on slander and how one can be prosecuted for it.

As for Good Samaritan laws well they vary from state to state, some offering a more narrow interpretation of what kind of help a person can give. Some states are as narrow as allowing Good Samaritan laws for only "medical care" while others are broader and allow a regular citizen (including a RLSH) to do more. One stickler found about Good Samaritan laws in many states is that many will not protect a regular citizen/RLSH if they are performing a Good Samaritan act with the expectation of compensation. Well since RLSH do what they do without expectation of pay then they need not worry about this condition. Again it depends on the state you live in when it comes to Good Samaritan laws. Now before the RLSV start jumping up for joy WHILE WEARING THEIR MASKS AND COSTUMES perhaps they need to get a hold of themselves. If the RLSH activity was so blatantly illegal and persistent across a national level then the Good Samaritan laws would be both uniform and ironclad in their interpretation. The fact that their is so much variance from one place to another shows that there is still a healthy debate on the issue of Good Samaritan laws.

Here is an example of the Good Samaritan law for the state of Hawaii:

"Any person who in good faith renders emergency care, without renumeration or expectation of renumeration, at the scene of an accident or emergency to the victim of the accident or emergency shall not be liable for any civil damages resulting from the persons acts or omission, except for such damages as may result from the persons gross negligence or wanton acts or omissions."

On even the most basic level a person with any shred of conscience should feel the desire to help a person who is in danger. If you see someone trapped in a house that is engulfed in flames and you feel compelled to help them do you resist doing so because they might burn their hand while you drag them out of the house or do you put the preservation of the victims life itself ahead of the potential for a non-life threatening injury. In a recent Emergency Medical Dispatch course I took the instructor was very clear in the following - more often than not, if the actions of an individual, as long as they were not egregiously beyond the scope of what was necessary to save a life, result in further harm of death of a person then the laws generally work in favor of the person attempting assistance not against them.

As to the use of objects like tazers or pepper spray I had to laugh when I read a blog from this obsessed RLSV, you know the guy with the "King0Nazi" in his email address where a cop he "supposedly interviewed" said that using tazers or pepper spray could still be problematic. If tazers and pepper spray were so "problematic" then why are they so readily available for sale to the public? Why are there no laws as in the purchase and license/permits for carrying and using firearms for pepper spray and tazers if they are such a problem? Why make them so accessible to the average citizen? This alone makes me question the veracity of the blog in question, not withstanding the nature of the person who wrote it.

A few points to make before I move on to Part 2 of the blog regarding citizens arrest.

The "cop" is quoted as saying "sometimes doing the right thing will cost you if you are unqualified". Well guess what, sometimes not doing the right thing leads to the loss human life and suffering. I would not hesitate to push a victim out of the path of an oncoming speeding car because I am afraid she will end up with a bruised hip. I push her out of the way because a vehicle in excess of 1 ton moving at even moderate speed will probably kill her upon impact. Secondly, this cop sounds like a goofball when he describes the RLSH patrolling as "vigilantism". Vigilantism is associated with acts where people place their actions above the importance of the laws in place. The vast majority of RLSH work in conjunction with law enforcement and abide by their respective local laws. But before I crack on the "cop" to much I have to consider the nature of the person supposedly interviewing them so I am inclined to be somewhat sympathetic.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Creature Feature 2/6/10 - Scoops and Poop

Well it's been a few days since the Creature Feature show of 2/6/2010 and I wanted to offer my thoughts and perspective on it for people to think about.

The show was extremely educational, with several RLSH offering their thoughts of the movement in terms of what they felt was right and wrong about it. Wall Creeper was very well prepared, offering keen insights on the movement and even breaking down how he perceives RLSH membership to be in 4 primary types of RLSH participation. Of special note was the clear distinction between what the RLSH do and vigilantism, the latter being something that RLSH in general do not condone. Silver Sentinel was also an excellent source of information and brought his personal knowledge to the table, particularly when about performing RLSH functions in costume, the significance of the costume, and when to do things as a RLSH out of costume. All in all I found his insight to be on of the best parts of the show. Master Legend came on the show but did not say a whole lot which is unfortunate as it would have been interesting to hear about some of the things he has experienced during his many years of service as a RLSH. Meow from the Meow and Friends show was on as well and she came in very fiery and animated about the whole issue of the RLSH. She favors the movement and supports it but expressed her desire to see less bickering and more going out and getting the job done. Other points made were how difficult it is to authenticate a RLSH - anyone can put on a mask or costume and claim to be a RLSH but ultimately actions speak louder than words. I believe Zetaman also chimed in as well and rightfully so - he is considered by many as one of the primary and most respected members of the RLSH movement.

Oh but what would a debate about the RLSH be without someone on there who stands to oppose it on practically every level, namely Poop Knife (or perhaps more appropriately Tim)). Poop talked about what he perceives as arrogance in the RLSH movement by them taking on the descriptor of "Superhero". The general response to this seemed to be that very few RLSH consider themselves to be true superheroes but that the name somehow stuck over time and developed a deep association with them for better or worse, partly due to the media. If anything the RLSH on the show were humble and their feelings very well thought out, a far cry from what I consider to be a gross exaggeration of the so-called "arrogance" of the RLSH. But to expect anything other than negative bias from a hardcore RLSV is rather silly anyways.

In Poops recent blog about the show he alludes to something negative in Master Legends past, something about a person named Red Scorpion. In a recent blog the Potentate mentions that Poop offered him some unsavory knowledge about Master Legend. So when Master Legend came on the show and Poop was on the line I expected Poop to confront Master Legend about this...and it never happened. There it was, a prime opportunity for Poop to question Master Legend about this supposedly negative incident and he didn't. It appears to me and based on some digging that I've done that Poop has a personal vendetta against Master Legend. I won't reveal my sources but needless to say that Poop had his chance and dropped the ball. This seems a bit cowardly to me but lack of spine seems to be a common theme amongst the more aberrant members of the RLSV.

During early exchanges with Poop on my blog he insisted that it was wrong for the RLSH to wear costumes or masks, insisting that they did not need it to do what they do. However, here is a quote from Poops recent blog about the Creature Feature show 2/6 with regards to the Silver Sentinel:

"He is another member involved with his local neighborhood watch and understands when and when not to use the mask."

So despite belittling me in previous blogs about by reasoning for why RLSH sometimes wear uniforms or masks to do what they do, here is Poop clearly agreeing with a RLSH that sometimes the mask or uniform is appropriate. No worries there Poop- it's not the first time you have back pedaled and chances are it won't be the last. I'd also like to clarify something that Poop suggested in his blog with regards to accountability. The RLSH are no different than any other citizen - they are held to the same legal standards and punishments as anyone else. The fact that they are trying to help people does not give them any special blanket of legal protection. So for him to imply that RLSH are not held accountable for their actions is ridiculous. As for sanctioning, I once again refer to the Good Samaritan and Citizens Arrest laws of the United States; if a person is following them then they are abiding by the law (much to the chagrin of many RLSV).

It was also brought to my attention that not everyone felt that the show was that great. Well you are entitled to your opinion but I happen to wholeheartedly disagree. The show offered a candid insight into the thinking process of many RLSH, the challenges they face, and the methodology of what they do. Executrix deserves a tremendous amount of credit for this and shame on those who think otherwise. So I offer a hearty "Thank You" to Executrix, my most vivacious villainous vixen for a job well done.

And Poop, in case you are waiting for me to call you a Nazi live on air you might have to wait a bit longer. But if you are waiting for someone to question you live on the air as to why the email on your blog is listed as follows:


Well, you probably won't have to wait to long for that to happen. ;)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Awesome job Captain Black - Excellent Words

I read this and was really impressed with what he said:


In case the link does not work, here it is:

<< Start >>

The Real Superhero Movement As Civic Duty Reloaded: WHEN FICTION BECAME FACT:
The Real Superhero Movement As Civic Duty Reloaded.
By: Nadra Enzi aka Capt. Black

Civic duty is old as the family unit. Individual responsibility to the group is its focus. Modern America fleshed this out further by instituting neighborhood watch and citizens patrol functions as adjuncts to law enforcement. This support capacity was taken a step further in the form of creative concerned citizens who used comic book motifs to create new crime prevention and emergency need fulfillment roles. Dubbed “ real life superheroes “ ( RLSHs ) by the media this new breed of patrolling citizen is carving a place at the table marked civic duty. To date, concerns about vigilantism haven’t borne incidents of note. Most operate well within the law and are knowledgeable about statutory powers possessed by anyone, costumed or not.

This redefinition of civic duty comes as a supplement of established order instead of a challenge.

Reloading civic duty like this does challenge preconceptions about citizens role in stopping suspected criminal activities. Videotaped encounters at a public park between New York area RLSH and alleged drug dealers alarmed local law enforcement. Their concern was the costumed citizens in question confronted offenders with lengthy records known to carry weapons. These interventions demonstrate the seriousness with which some real life superheroes exercise civic duty. Similar undocumented accounts report citizens arrests made and information provided leading police to purported violators. Beyond dressing up for cameras, this movement has real tactical impact on combating crime without becoming criminals.

The second front operated by RLSHs is humanitarian assistance. While not universally practiced, it has become a movement hallmark to aid the homeless. Colorful personages give food and blankets to the homeless while making rounds. Various costumed activists are known for this even more than fighting crime. Some argue combating homelessness combats root causes of crime. An overriding concern for society’s ignored drives this more than providing creative crime prevention. Patrolling the streets increases awareness of homelessness and the relative lack of mobilization against it. Alongside hospital and school visits, the movement tackles difficult social issues beyond traditional crime prevention.

Reloading civic duty like this opens doors for participation old as the English “hue and cry “system where whistle blowing watchers alerted communities to trouble. It’s new as the latest name of the newest person to don an identity. While reasons for a more engaged public mount, reloading civic duty in such an attention-getting fashion helps motivate folks numbed by bad headlines and an even worse economy.

Real life superheroes breathe new life into time honored notions like civic duty and reload them for a nation desperately needing a more involved citizenry.

<< End >>

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

And the truth will set him free... (if sincere)

Normally when I talk about ROACH I go into detail as why I hold so much antipathy towards them. Of course, the reaction from ROACH members and their allies is always unkind but I expect this when giving an opinion that is in opposition to them. It would be easy for me to spout off in detail about this latest development but you know what, I think given the post and especially the source of the post, the post speaks VOLUMES for many of the things
that I and so many others have stated in our blogs. It also proves that the level of destructive heinousness and callous behavior, perhaps even "true evil" if you can call it this, within ROACH and allies of ROACH is much deeper that anyone imagined. With that
being said, here is the link in question from the White Skull.


And for those people bashing Krampus for his recent constant urgings to the Potentate, please read the last sentence. I think it speaks for itself in regards to this situation.
