"When good people in any country cease their vigilance and struggle, then evil men prevail." - Pearl S. Buck

"The moment we break faith with one another, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out." - James Baldwin

About me.....

My photo
I'm a dreamer and perhaps too much of an eternal optimist. I always try to look at the glass as half full. Defiant and ferocious towards those who would seek to unjustly harm others, I speak my mind...for better or worse. Where as some view compassion as a weakness I view it as a strength. I try not to live in the shadows of my regrets because doing so dims the light and the promise of a new day. I do not strive for perfection for this is the quest of fools and denies a man the blessings of humility. The bonds of true friendship and family are to be protected...sometimes by the cunning, stealth, and tenaciousness of a mouse but other times by the wrath and fury of the dragon. I am one and yet I am both. This is my truth.

Friday, December 11, 2009

A Morsel from Mr. Jingles

So I was scurrying about one late night through the darkened hallway of some random and
very cluttered home (the mess aided in my ability to hide ny presence) while carrying a nice 3
day old cheddar cracker and I came across some guy in a funky mask sitting in front of his
computer. Now what many people do not know is that me and many of my rodent brethen by
means which I will not divulge (it's a matter of national security amongst my peeps) gained
cognitive capacity equivalent to that of your standard homo sapien. Me being a curious little
mouse (as well as tired from evading the house cat for the past 10 minutes) saw this masked
man typing away furiously on his keyboard all the while muttering obscenities under his breath
onto a blog for an organization called ROACH.

Now this bears saying - I am considered vermin and as such I have many fellow vermin who I
consider friends that are of the cockroach designation. I don't mean the warm blooded holligan
humans running around as ROACH - I mean the ACTUAL bugs themselves. I've told them
about this ROACH organization and I can tell by their twitching that they feel insulted by being
associated with them. So if any ROACH members find their homes or belongings infested with
"special bug surprises" left by my coackroach friends don't be surprised. After all, how smart is
to piss off a race of creatures that will forever outnumber you and will be around long after you
warm blooded fools have finished screwing this planet up.

Anyways, some ROACH members apparently do not take kindly to some of the things said by
them. My response to this is quite simply...TOO F*CKING BAD!!! I've read alot of your blogs.
I've seen you guys go after fathers and defame them in pictures with their children, post
personal information about minors on the internet thus endangering these minors to potentially
criminal minds, threaten to launch computer viruses, porn bots, and other spam creating
devices onto other forums largely run by RLSH, and accuse people merely by pictures of being
members of the KKK, prostitutes, or pedophiles, and threaten to disrupt charity events. This is
just a small sampling of their sickening behavior. Then, some of them have the audacity to
demand respect, to say they "disagree with behavior that is equal to their own but turned on
them", and act surprised when people refuse to be treated poorly. Like my Uncle Elroy once
told me (shortly before being run over by a mini-van) "Sooner or later, whatever you give in
life you get back in return." So to the ROACH peeps, if you treat people like crap, thrreaten and
mock them then sooner or later it's going to happen to you.


Now I have a friend of mine named Krampus. Let me tell you, he's a bad bad creature. At first
he threatened to consume me in a slow tortured manner for not bowing and recognizing his
greatness but we worked out a deal. I scurry around for him and spy on people, taking notes
and bringing my gathered info to him. With my assistance it helps him keep checks on both the
ones called RLSH and the ROACH (and allows me to avoid his terrible wrath). He pays me well-
I can't complain about the piles of cheese, stale bread, and popcorn that he provides me. The
stuff is real friggin good. Krampus does not take sides but he knows people on both sides. He'll
crack the whip on a dumb as RLSH as quickly as he'll crack the whip on a ROACH. He's an equal
opportunist mythological terror and that's cool by me. More often than not however it's the
ROACH who incur his magnificently monstrous ire. See, you ROACH dinkleberries IMHO are
lazy hypocrites. Villian gimmick aside, what do you guys offer to the world that is even remotely
positive? From what I can tell pretty much nothing. You complain about the RLSH who patrol,
pointing out how dangerous they are and yet I fail to see anything resembling a slew of stories
about these vigilantes gone amock. Being the tiny mouse that I am I've followed many of them
in their patrols in secret and for the most part nothing even remotely close to what you ROACH
describe as "dangerous vigilante-style behavior" occurs.

So I pondered one day what it is that really drives you ROACH to do what you do given that the
premise of your reason for existence is built on a house of cards. Then I read something that
Agent Berylluin said in one of her blogs (I will refrain from calling her the name she has truly
earned which is the Berylluin B*tch). She referred to herself as an "attention whore". Well, I do
agree on her description of herself as a woman of ill repute (Helpful hint: Move to Nevada and
you can not only pedal your flesh legally but get a tax return for it). Seriously though, this
comment put everything in perspective. Not only is Agent Beryllium an attention whore but all
of ROACH is just one giant organized gathering of attention whores. Your leader is nothing more
than a glorified T-shirt salesman with computer skills and smoking issues and the rest of the
ROACH hypcrites who complain about others using anonymity to their advantage hide your own
faces behind gas masks, paper bags, or large awkward looking goggles. You create these blogs
just to draw attention to yourselves because you are ALL ATTENTION WHORES!! It's not
about and never has been about stopping the vigilante RLSH. It's always been about feeding
your fat bloated egos at the expense of others and bringing the spotlight of attention onto your
otherwise mundane lives. You complain about the RLSH trying to get media attention 24/7 and
yet one of your own describes herself as an "attention whore". Congratulations, you are the
mirror of the very people and behavior that you claim to despise.

Well I see this ROACH guy is turning his computer off and calling it a night. I gotta go grab me a
second helping of those sweet cheddar crackers. I'll be back in the near future in the service of
my dread leader Krampus to hit people with reality checks when needed because you gotta keep
people honest... well as honest as you can get a bunch of ROACH hooligans to be.


  1. I see you, little one, have made it quite a point to lump everyone into a collective, which may or may not be correct. I only wish to state my case in this world, and would not have myself misrepresented. You seemed to have moved quickly to a conclusion based on a few comments that I've made, or so it seems because I've obviously mapped out my relation to ROACH, as well as my ideology towards the RLSH movement.

    I've no trouble with anonymity, as is evident by the mask I wear. I cast no downward gaze on the 'heroes' for wearing them, it's what they stand for and exemplify that gives me grief, as I've stated.

    I've no need to hide tactics or act hypocritical. I've presented no example of such either, and at that I'll leave this.

    -Black Sun

  2. Here's the problem Black Sun. You look down upon what the heroes stand for / what they exemplify. Villain gimmick aside, what is wrong with people trying to improve the world around them? Does it bother you that some of these heroes speak at citizen crime watch meetings? Does it bother you that some of them donate their time to worthy causes like the fight against cancer, diabetes, spousal abuse, drunk drivers, ect? I have RLSH friends who have lost children and siblings to disease and to the tragic irresponsibility
    of others. Alot of them are inspired by these tragedies. They take the wounds that life has thrown at them and rather than lying in a fetal position and giving up, these tragedies empower them to do everything within their power to fight against the negativity. I know of at least three RLSH who has served the armed forces of this country - the freedom to speak your venom as vile as it is exists because men and women like this lay their lives on the line daily to provide you with the blanket of freedoms that your rabble regularly abuse.

    You may not agree with what the RLSH stand for or with all of their actions but I really don't think you understand what they stand for as an entirety. You get lost in the negativity of an aberrant few when the group as a whole is a greater force for good than it is for wrong. But what do you care Black Sun right? You're a villain - you only exist to destroy anything or anyone who dares to stand up, even if it's in an odd funny looking costume and say not only in word or in action "We can all make a difference but only if we give enough of a damn to try." That's your agenda. I'm not a dumb mouse. I know you ROACH hooligans will keep on harrassing people, threatening them in all manner of ways, ridiculing them with your sick verbage. I'm not here to change you because I know you never will. I'm here to oppose you much in the way Krampus does. When you attack people without provocation whom I respect then I will speak out against you.

    You're grief is self-inflicted because in the end I think you hate these so called "heroes"
    because they are not afraid to step up and try to effect positive change in the world even if it's at the cost of being treated like garbage or a joke. You hate them because they have the courage you lack and the willingness to press onward that you are too lazy to do yourself.

    I'll step quietly in the darkest corners, looking on in the comfort of the shadows on what your ROACH crew do. I am anywhere and everywhere, in the tiniest and most unlikely of places. I do as does Krampus; I watch and listen and when necessary, I respond.

    And until you ROACH folks open your eyes and stop suffering from tunnel vision expect this little mouse to keep gnawing on your shoe laces.

  3. I'll try to address each of the points you're putting forth in turn, but I will give the recomendation of reading what I have already put forth because you seem quick to relate myself to any other out there under the moniker of Villain.

    I'll start by saying that it doesn't bother me that these people want to affect the world around them, it's the method and some misguided notion, sentimental as it is, that what their doing is going to save those around them. I don't care one bit what petty cause that they choose to waste their time with, it's theirs, but it's when they throw around terms like 'worthy' when that is clearly subjective. Are they really under the absurd delusion that simply adding their face to this great fight against cancer will do anything? Will talking about it cause a cure, is a cure needed? If you cure the disease there will still be lingering traces of whatever it is that caused it in their blood to be passed on and infect future populace. Their habbits will be passed on to the coming generation and just perpetuate it. This is something I can not stand for it allows the weak to persist where they do not deserve to. These 'Heroes' standing up for the weak is asinine for it shall truely distroy the world, not save it.

    As for they fact that those people having fought for this country, that's all well and good, but does it mean that I should follow them? Do I owe them some great debt for the service they willfully enlisted in? No says I. Do you believe that I could be any less myself anywhere else? No I'd say again. My thoughts and my ideology has been one that I've reached myself, through my own existance and would be no differant, aside from from purely superficial standings.

    Here again I'll say you should understand that I am not one of collective but one of one. Just because I have some affiliation with ROACH does not mean that I condone or exemplify the actions made by any other within the organization. I am no puppet under any Lord. I serve myself and alligned with ROACH because I saw an opportunity for furthering my goal. It has it's purpose and some similar ideology in which I find akin, this I've stated before. I have no where attacked an innocent nor harrassed one of the like.

    I have no related grief and have stood strong with my will. I've held no cowardly act which to regret. I honestly find it ignorant on your part to discribe me as such because you seem to have little knowledge of my personage. It's a cop out for you to label me in this way, it's easy for you to lump me into such a category as 'angry at the world for my own shortcomings' because you don't understand me. Dismiss what you don't understand because it holds security.

    Take heed little mouse, lest one day you be trampled underfoot.

    -Black Sun

  4. You could not trample this little mouse if someone handed you the keys to steamroller and stuck both of us in a narrow dead end tunnel. Oddly enough it sounds like you are indirectly threatening to trample me - how very uncivilized of you. Yeah, definitely what one of your fellow ROACH hooligans would resort to.

    I find your take on the whole "screw those people who try to help others" mentality to be both ignorant, barbaric, and pathetic. Apparently you think it's wrong to help those in need. Well if that is the case then quit whatever real life job you have if you do have one because apparently your employer is a bad person for "helping you by giving you employment". While your at it, why don't you rage against cops, police officers, or soldiers who protect people in positions of less power than themselves on a daily basis. You insinuate that it's a waste of time to try and cure diseases like cancer or diabetes or raise awareness of money to do so. Have you every stared in the eyes of a 4 year old child stricken with cancer who is so weak that he cannot even walk on his own, is shaven bald, and strains to make even the simplest physical gestures like clap his hands? Is it a waste to try and save this child from a fate/sickness he did not choose? Apparently you think the better thing to do is let the child and so many others like him just die. That makes you a complete monster, a parastic piece of garbage to the extreme. Now I see that as bad as ROACH is you are an infintely more grotesue, vile, and soul-less bastard of a human being (if one can even classify a creature so devoid of any good qualities such as yourself human).

    And yes, you do owe people who serve and protect the country you reside in at the very least a measure of respect because even though you are not front and center to witness it, they earn that respect everyday doing things you are apparently too lazy, immoral, or cowardly to do. I'm not saying you should kiss their ass but I defintely think they should be respected. But reading your blogs and your responses to me tells me that you don't know what respect is.

    As for your membership in ROACH I think you very well exemplify their loathsome nature. You're words are petty cruelty woven in fancy high brow rhetoric but nonetheless still vile. You are arrogant, condescending, and seem to hate the mere thought of anyone performing a good deed. If it was up to you it seems that the world should go straight to hell like some great Apocalypse. The mere thought of this possibly happening one day probably gives you a stiffy. I don't need to know you to see how sick you are - your words paint your portrait rather effectively.

    The RLSH who go out and try to change the world for the better may just be a tiny ripple in an enormous ocean but at least they are trying. You not only sit back on your greasy ass and do nothing to improve the world around you but you condemn those that do. That makes you lazy, ignorant, and nothing more than spiteful fiend wearing a gas mask.

    You know I once thought every human being on this planet has a conscience but that some of them simply chose to use it sparingly or never at all. Congratulations because I'm convinced that you flat out don't have one. Crawl back into the darkness Black Sun - you're name speaks for itself. You've spent your whole life in the shadows of ignorance.
    Maggots have more spine than you do.

  5. Little Mouse, you are passionate as always.

    @Black Sun
    Despite what many would say, there are those who do not choose to wear the mask of a villain who still disagree with tactics and actions of the RLSH. The main distinction is the differing approach to address such matters and concerns.
    Too address your statement about thinking they can really make a differance.

    A man stands on a beach after a storm surrounded by starfish who have washed onto the shore. He begins picking them up and throwing them back into the sea. For each one he throws back, two more appear on the shore. After several hours, another man approaches and asks why he wastes so much of his time for something he can neither hope to complete or make a differnce by doing. The man looks down at the starfish in his hand for a moment before tossing it back into the sea.
    "I made a differance to that one."

    We could debate that what ROACH and other RLSV's do is to try to make a differance to the more potentially dangerous RLSH. It is also not fair to lump all villains into the mix of bad just as it is unfair to lump all RLSH into a negative light. But when you see corruption taking place amongst the majority, basic instincts tend to lead one to drawing assumptions and conclusions without looking into seperation of the differing factors. For Krampus, Jingles and myself, we've seen friends attacked. We've seen other friends take a stand only to be drug along into the maelstorm. Many instances of the lack of seperation and division of the individual and comparrison to a group simply by association. If you wish to be considered as an individual, are you yourself willing to judge each individual on their own merits?

    Will you shun and scrutinize all Heoroes, or just the ones in your opinion setting the wrong example?

  6. Very wise words Bells. These ROACH characters and many of their associates like Black Sun must have life jackets on otherwise they would drown in their own hypocrisy. Sure their are a few loonies / lose cannons in the RLSH (and even then you have to differentiate between the harmless loonies and the harmful loonies). ROACH should know all about the need to draw this distinction as it is clear that many ROACH members are a several pennies short of a full dollar.

    << Sudden pause as a truck full of Philadephia cream cheese drives by. The obvious distraction ensues...>>

    << 2 minutes later >>

    I any case as I was saying I will ALWAYS defend those within the RLSH community and even those activists who do not consider themselves true RLSH that I respect and that I know are fighting the good fight and working for a good cause.

    And Black Sun, you're name to me now officially changes. You will be known as Black Dung because you have a REALLY crappy malodorous view of life (and believe me, having pillaged my fair share of dumpsters I know ALL about smelly). Your last post suggested that people who are stricken with diseases/ ailments that are currently incurable should be wiped out from the gene pool so as to not infect it further. That sounds akin to genocide and I find your attitude beyond heinous Black Dung.

    Oh look, another starfish to save. I'll get right on it!!!!! ;)

  7. You, little mouse, don't look deep enough. You assume that everything is such an easy answer that can be dismissed at face value, not choosing to grasp a deeper concept. This is no one dimentional affair. It is no simple 'screw everyone and their giving' I will give and dole out a helping hand but with discression and to those whom I feel are worthy of it. The poeple who are close to me and have earned my love. This is again interlaced with the ideal of discression, Love to those who deserve it and Hate to those who Deserve it.

    You petty attempts at ethos have little effect on me. Not everyone is so easily swayed by some sob story or an invalid. Tell me what need have I to stare at a weak pathetic 4 yr old? There's no reason for me to go look upon one and produces no beneficial effect upon my life. But even if were to look at it I'd just feel sickened. It is obviously something that nature has not intended to survive, it hasn't been givin the popular faculties to be brought up healthy, probably at the fault of it's own parent's actions.

    As for all this 'moster, grotesque and vile' business, well that's just fine. Call me what you wish, feel Hate, embrace the bestial nature that is engrained in your soul. It's only natural, you're begining to accept it at even a little beyond just subconcious level. Let my influence persist. But it'd be nice if you would choose your words more carefully, for the benefit of all, this will avoid confusion besause you seem to continually throw around pretty words that actually have little or no relevance within context.

    Here I'll focus on Bells' comment:
    You, as the little mouse has done, have only looked at what I said superficially. Your analogy shows the difference because it doesn't even attend to the same situation. You see the person discribed is using his own strength to achieve a goal. Not just talking about it, not simply raising awairness that those starfish are out there being spit from the sea. Are you begining to understand the distinction.

    A far more accurate analogy, using your own example is this: A man hears that there are star fish that being washed up on the shore after a great storm. The man goes to the shore and begins walking up and down the beach, at every starfish he sees, he calls someone else. Another man, knowing about the starfish, grabs a wooden box to stand upon and sets up in a town square. He begins shouting about the starfish on the beach and let's everyone know of their existance. A few people go and help, most don't and are completely appathetic. Everyone becomes so saturated with the stories of poor little starfish on the sea in which one is thrown back and two return, that they accept their existance and go on with their lives.

    The world continues. That species is extinct and it is as nature intended. The world continues.

  8. Post Script. I've added a link to this page on my own for I think it is one in which many would care to read. I ask for no aid, don't expect i'm calling out the cavalry; I only think people should read it, comment if they wish but mostly as an educational experience.

  9. Black Sun, Your comments have enlightened me. I just realized how fortunate the World is to not have everyone think along the lines you do.

    I too will share your words as an educational tool to not just RLSH but RLSV's in the community. Since you are a full member of ROACH (being listed on the main website) I'm sure others would like to know of your affiliation and the mindset of those who share association with you.

  10. Black Dung, you can tattoo a link to this blog on that immense jutting Cro-Magnum forehead of yours that obviously holds a peanut sized underdeveloped brain or none at all. Get a clue dipshit. I'll keep blogging whether you bring your pathetic mongrel self to take shots at me or any of your fellow idiots that follow your imbecile path of thinking.
    As far as hate, yeah I hate and pity you at the same time. Don't play the psycho babble with me dirtbag - hate is a natural human emotion but what you do with it is what separates men from monsters. It's all about control and last time I checked I'm writing the blogs and you keep crawling over here to respond. You're just a fat greasy fish on a hook that keeps taking my bait (and you probably smell as bad as one too). Every time you respond you play my game little man. You're so worthless that it's laughable. ;)
    You've just preached genocide on anyone with an incurable disease. But I'm sure you would take it even further. I'm sure you would want every single human being screened for even the slightest genetic imperfection ranging from a heart murmur to less than 20/20 vision. That's a very Nazi way of looking at things. Tell me, do you wear a gas mask because you are flat out ugly or because you need something big enough to hide that swastika branded on your forehead.

    Attitudes like yours are why the RLSH will always be better than you even with all their flaws. They act on their own accord to help people, using their own resources and their own initiative. Even with their flaws they put garbage like you to shame. And the only reason my words do not seem relevant to you
    is because you disagree with me. Arrogance and stupidity prevent you from seeing what an ass clown mentality you have festering in that cesspool you call a brain.

    Now run on back to your fellow ROACH goons and your ass backwards thinking friends Black Dung. I'll keep blogging and you'll keep running over here to try and pester me some more with your filth-ridden rants. You're living proof that if you spend enough time wallowing in garbage you eventually BECOME garbage.

    And since I've just made you my internet b*tch the next time you step on my turf bring me an offering of cheese. That's an order!!!

  11. Ha ha ha, wonderful. Well I see this conversation has been taken as far as it can. We'll let it end at this for now.

    -Black Sun

  12. Yes, you just justified the existance of the RLSH.
    Thank you

  13. Bells, can this wee little mouse express how much he love you? Because I really do. Those little stockings you made for me to keep my little legs from freezing while scrounging the local dumpsters for 3 day old pizza were smashing. As for you Black Dung, you didn't bring me my cheese you but instead infest my domain with your verbal flatulence. But I know you'll be back because you're my internet b*tch. Run on back to that ragtag collection of village idiots you call ROACH and as Bells said, thank you for justifying the existence of RLSH. I've pranced past my fair share of rat traps but I never thought that catching a ROACH in one of my own was so easy.

  14. Little friend, you are loved as well. I will make sure a nice chunk of cheddar finds it's way to you in appreciation.

  15. You forgot to mention the gumdrops and peanut brittle I give as well. I'm good to those not on the Naughty list.

  16. Hmmm was going to post something wonderful but now I just cannot stop thinking about Philadelphia cream cheese... wonder if I have any crackers.
