"When good people in any country cease their vigilance and struggle, then evil men prevail." - Pearl S. Buck

"The moment we break faith with one another, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out." - James Baldwin

About me.....

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I'm a dreamer and perhaps too much of an eternal optimist. I always try to look at the glass as half full. Defiant and ferocious towards those who would seek to unjustly harm others, I speak my mind...for better or worse. Where as some view compassion as a weakness I view it as a strength. I try not to live in the shadows of my regrets because doing so dims the light and the promise of a new day. I do not strive for perfection for this is the quest of fools and denies a man the blessings of humility. The bonds of true friendship and family are to be protected...sometimes by the cunning, stealth, and tenaciousness of a mouse but other times by the wrath and fury of the dragon. I am one and yet I am both. This is my truth.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Parody Done Right...Front of German Apples

I came across this story this story a few weeks ago while I was surfing the net on Yahoo and it made me think about how screwed up the RLSV really are. I mean, so often they say sadistic things about the RLSH, so often they degrade them like trash and then run and hide behind the "oh it's just a parody" excuse or "hey, it's just satire". Well this article and the information provided with prove that you don't have to use parody as a weapon of verbal sadism. You don't have to use parody to inflict emotional harm on otherwise generally good people or a generally well intended movement like RLSH or costumed activism.Parody, as the Front for German Apples shows, can be used to take shots at organizations who deserve it... like those who support the Nazi and their crimes (Poop Knife, you might want to turn the computer off now). After reading this article all I have to say about the RLSV is your "satire and parody" excuse is garbage.


Choice pickings from the articles (pardon the pun)

"For six years now, the Front of German Apples has taken to the streets every time neo-Nazis make a public appearance, to take a sarcastic jab at them" - Amazing huh? People using creativity to actually DIMINISH the effectiveness of hatred.

"So one night in 2004, the evening before a huge rally in the city, the idea came up: why not make it fun to demonstrate against neo-Nazis?"  Wow!! You mean to tell me that people can actually use parody to COUNTER negativity?

"We chose the apple for several reasons. It is partly a pun on the name of Holger Apfel, an NPD leader who was elected to the state parliament in Saxony. But above all, the apple is a very German fruit and was a good satirical metaphor." - What was that last part? GOOD SATIRICAL METAPHOR?

"We think it’s sometimes easier to see the negative side of things when it’s been exaggerated, as facts can often be misleading. We want people to see what’s absurd about the rise of these neo-Nazi groups." This would work with the RLSV is 1) they were consistent and fair in their criticism of the RLSH and 2) if they were not so many members within their ranks that were not ill intended beyond the gimmick.


And here is a parody video. Classic and tastefully well done. They are not going after "good people". They are using satire to take jabs at Nazi and their venomous hatred.

Now I don't mind an RLSV taking a shot at Master Legend for the nasty dead cat/ketchup video. For that old ML deserves to take a bit of a beating. I've said it time and time again..take your shots when people screw up but that would be asking too much obviously. That would be asking you to use parody responsibly, like the Front for German Apples. That would be asking you to use your creativity in a positive manner and most of us know that believing you can do so is asking to much.

Saying that kids with cancer should be exterminated so as not to contaminate the gene pool? Not funny. Not parody.
Inspiring someone to slash Zetamans tires and then having one of your members put up picture on lessons of how to slash tires? Not funny. Not parody.
Making fun of a persons weight and using the deaths of 22 people in the Tennessee floodings within this context. Not funny. Not parody.
Posting a 16 year olds personal info on the net and placing him in danger because he made you mad at what he said ON THE INTERNET. Not funny. Not parody.
Posting a picture of a man at a con in costume with his child and accusing him of being a pedophile? Not funny. Not parody and a flagrant example of a mixture of libel/slander.
Advocating violence shown on a video of guys in gang attire, masks, shotguns, and machetes? Maybe the video was a poor attempt at parody but the stance to advocate that kind of violence is not funny.

There are alot of other examples I could site but why bother. The Front for German Apples shows what parody done right can achieve. It shows how to take satire and use it responsibly to fight evil and injustice, not encourage it and the hatred that often comes with it. Comedy need not be a weapon against those that do not deserve it. It can be a weapon against the ills of society that deserve to be banished.

Get a clue RLSV. And while you're at it have an apple why won't you?


  1. I am not going to fight you on any of this stuff 'cause it is not worth my time, but none of the RLSV advocated that video of guys with guns. First that video did not show violence, it spoke of it, that is different. No one advocated that video in the least bit, in fact it was explicitly spoken against. And it was made clear that none of them had any affiliation to any of us in any way. Please stop trying to do that. This is getting exhausting. You are spinning facts into perception, one that is wrong, and proof to show otherwise. Look at any and every RLSV profile about that video.

    Thank you.

  2. I don't care if you fight me or not. I don't care if you read my blog or not, respond to it or not. And seriously, I pointed out A BUNCH OF STUFF in my post and all you focus on is that video? Seriously? It's more than just that video and you know it. The fact that you take such a myopic view of my blog and narrow it down to just that video is absurd. It proves my point about you guys that by and large you are either clueless or so deeply drawn into this negative mentality that you can’t find your way out of it. Thanks for proving my point. I don't spin facts slick. Everything in my blog about Zetamans tires, DC Guardian being portrayed as a pedophile, the Tennessee flooding post by Aluminum Chef, White Skull posting an underaged kids info, and advocates of violence and guys with Nazi emails in the RLSV... all that stuff consists of factual information and proven events. These are facts...realities...which I had no need to spin against the RLSV.

    If you don't like my blog, don't read it or respond to it. Either way, I don't give a rats ass (pardon the pun). But as long as your crew keeps inciting hatred and spewing your verbal venom then my posts will continue. If you're feeling "exhausted" or less than sparkly then now you know how some RLSH feel when one of you RLSVs throw a hate tirade against them.

    By the way, in White Skulls 30 days of evil he says he walked into a Taco Bell and threw a tantrum at the manager, claiming that he and his family had gotten sick by eating their food. The thing is he admitted he was lying...that he was just trying to get some free food or doing it for kicks. Last time I checked what he was doing is considered theft. Another shining example of the RLSV I guess.

    Consider this conversation between me and you done. I stopped trying to reason with RLSVs a long time ago. It's waste of time and energy so run along and do what you do best I suppose...hate monger.
