"When good people in any country cease their vigilance and struggle, then evil men prevail." - Pearl S. Buck

"The moment we break faith with one another, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out." - James Baldwin

About me.....

My photo
I'm a dreamer and perhaps too much of an eternal optimist. I always try to look at the glass as half full. Defiant and ferocious towards those who would seek to unjustly harm others, I speak my mind...for better or worse. Where as some view compassion as a weakness I view it as a strength. I try not to live in the shadows of my regrets because doing so dims the light and the promise of a new day. I do not strive for perfection for this is the quest of fools and denies a man the blessings of humility. The bonds of true friendship and family are to be protected...sometimes by the cunning, stealth, and tenaciousness of a mouse but other times by the wrath and fury of the dragon. I am one and yet I am both. This is my truth.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

More Cool writings from my friend Captain Black

As always an excellent read from my friend Captain Black. He honors the RLSH movement/community with his words of wisdom.


"How to Save the World While Broke."

Crusading millionaires are usually the stuff of heroic fiction. Better financial times saw me donating to local and national non profits as well as paying mortgages; tuition and other major bills for folks. This was in my pre-RLSH days but it always made me feel like one, especially when I paid the rent for a mother on behalf of a charity I actively supported. Another stealth RLSH episode was when I turned the water back on for a young woman in tears sitting on a bench downtown. This was an economic millenia ago but I'm still at it, just on different levels.

Real life superhero ( RLSH ) movement members are usually working-to-middle class folks who often have to save up for good deed purchases. Therefore one of our " super " tricks is " saving " the world while broke. Said another way, we help mankind on an installment plan. I've read about a wealthy RLSH named Peace Man but otherwise most members operate cash strapped as a norm.

Hats off to Florida's Team Justice for becoming a 501 (c) 3 non-profit which allows them to offer tax deductions to donors and pursue grant funds. Other RLSH groups are rumored to be following suit which makes sense when trying to " save " the world while broke.

" Saving " the world while broke involves real sacrifice. Members who distribute food; clothing and other necessities do so out of their own pockets. Last year I took in a neighbor who'd lost his job and apartment in short order. We shared my meager food ( security consulting dried up like everything else in our dollar dry hometown ) and one memorable night I shared an ambulance ride with him after a ( thankfully ) failed suicide attempt. This particular close range episode of "saving " one person's world reached into very tight resources. More importantly, the situation reached deep and touched my heart when we ate because it was an honor to offer him food and shelter.

Most of my RLSH activity focuses on providing motivation and promoting crime prevention. Riding along with a local legend I call The Food Lady gave me another thrill: handing out restaurant quality meals from her job. I've also helped load and unload her van after making distribution runs.

I applaud real life superhero members using bill money and buy folks in major trouble some necessities. I've given away thousands to people in need. " Saving " the world while broke introduces a challenging element to RLSH and other hunger activists. It's a real sacrifice to pay for items others need while your pockets are increasingly thin. Shouldering this sacrifice is as heroic as stopping crimes in progress or visiting school children. As a largely working and middle class movement, regularly sacrificing to help others shows our hearts are in the right place. It's too easy to just spend on ourselves without helping the needy. I do what I can. Capt. Black is known as someone who'll give you something to tide you over. Again, I do what I can.

" Saving the world " while broke explains why some RLSH uniforms are a bit threadbare. "Saving " the world while broke increases what sincerity accomplishes.

Being broke while trying to save our portions of the world is a constant reminder about how we sometimes give until it hurts. It's always easier in the comic books. The rewards in the real world aren't bad either.

"Living the Difference Between Fantasies and the Fantastic"

I've wanted to be a superhero all my life. It's the ONLY "job" I ever wanted. Imagine what a blessing the real life superhero movement is upon discovering others who feel the same? There's a big difference between living fantasies and living the fantastic.

Fantasy is walking into police HQ in full regalia offering your crime fighting services to the chief. Living the fantastic is when, in-your-face activist rep aside, I contacted both the local PD and regional FBI community relations contact. Results? No, I wasn't arrested ( lol ). I did several ridealogs with a public housing enforcement officer and separately with his supervisor- a lieutenant. The regional FBI community relations person; her coworkers and I compiled what became the first FBI Citizens Academy to graduate there. I may be the first RLSH in history with an FBI Citizens Academy diploma, even though they left the " aka Capt. Black " title off my name.

I live the fantastic by carefully stretching reality so it resembles my dreams. The trick is not verging over into delusion. That's how I became a writer; activist and bounty hunter. Fiction served as the motivator for cautious realization of dreams. Fantasy is fine so long as it's kept in perspective. This Movement challenges conventional thinking and can invite harmful flights of fancy if one isn't careful. I carefully live the fantastic and advise others to do the same. The day people lose the will to live their dreams is when they and society die inside. Real life superheroes and other high concept activists keep dreams from flat lining. That's yet another role we serve, playing referee between living fantasies and living the fantastic.

The difference between the two is actually accomplishing things inspired by fiction compared to only doing the same in your imagination. Or worse, letting imagination run wild and becoming a bigger menace than the evils you oppose.

I recommend everyone live the fantastic and demonstrate how dreams become real with open mindedness; effort and balance.

That's my definition of living the difference between fantasies and the fantastic.


NADRA ENZI AKA CAPT. BLACK promotes crime prevention and self-development.
(912) 272-2898. http://www.captblack.info and http://www.blogtalkradio.com/nadraenzi.


  1. Once again, he is the single perfect example of what RLSH should be. There is no debate in this, he would be the Captain America in the Marvel Universe, he exemplifies doing things correctly and working so that things are directed in a positive manner and not at his own agenda. Again not a single bad thing I can say about him.

  2. There are many formulas and versions of what I would deem a "good RLSH". Captain Black is one of the best for sure. There are alot of RLSH that do not work for their own agenda. Why so many of your fellow RLSV seemingly insist on stereotyping 99% the whole movement with negativity is beyond me. I think it is very telling that he once gave me the following advice when I asked him about the hang up that RLSVs have with RLSH wearing costumes and so many other issues. It was something to the effect of "just help people, make your community better, and leave the haters behind you."

    He supports the movement in general and that includes RLSH with costume and without, RLSH who patrol and those who do not, those who have involved themselves with the media and those who shy away from the camera. Perhaps one of his finest qualities is that he does not get hung up on the little things. He understands and sees the larger picture very clearly...and that makes him wiser than most of us, RLSH and RLSV included.

  3. but that has been my point from the beginning, in case you never read my blog, the ultimate point is that they need to just stop with all their needless self promotion and stick with the things that matter if they are going to promote. It is not about the individual, it is not about their individual journey, it is about getting others to be involved to accomplish the greatest good, you cannot do it alone. They claim to be the only ones that will fight the apathy, but how many actually try and find others to help outside of their myspace page? How many spend their time trying to unify others and not just go out and do their own individual objectives? That is my problem, you are the one misinterpreting me. That is the only way to accomplish the most good as an RLSH, it isnt about the person but about the good that is being accomplished. It is about showing those around you how to do the good even though they (the general public) feel as though they can't do it. To set an example in the right way, and show them that everyone can be a true hero and all it takes is a little bit of effort. That is my ultimate qualm.

  4. A few points I'd like to make (because I am on my lunch break and I have like 10 minutes left so if this seems rushed I apologize.) IMHO, you exagerrate the whole "self-promotion thing". You make it seem like any and every RLSH does this and I consider that to be an inaccurate stereotype. You seem to thing that MOST RLSH place themselves before the goal at hand and that is one of the primary divergences between me and you. So I understand what you are saying but I do not agree with your point of view in this regard. I do nto for one moment SERIOUSLY believe that the majority of RLSH think they alone can fight apathy - you seek to apply a vast degree more hubris to the movement as a whole than it truly has. I know of several RLSH that go out of their way to bring others int othe fold and as far as individual goals, what about blood drives, toy drives, other fund drives to help groups like the Red Cross, American Cancer Society, homeless shelter handouts, and the Humane Society? I can name instances where RLSH had a strong participation in all of these events and the people benefiting from it were not the RLSH but rather those in true need. You're right, it's nto about one person. It's about trying to forge a community or a sense of organized movement and that is what the RLSH are trying to do (and it's easier said than done.) There are alot of RLSH out there who have made connections with police, military, local watch gorups, local charity organizations to better do their job and help others. I find it hard to believe that you cannot see that but your eyes are the window to your soul not mine. What you let in and how you let it in is up to you. Have a good day (and I gotta punch in before I get fired.)

  5. I see what they do, and believe me, I am more acquainted with the community than you or many others realize, but the fact still lies in that they as a whole do not work as a community to strengthen the communities around them. They say they have too many different ideas that cannot be combined. That is a problem, that is the problem, how can you unify others if you cannot be unified amongst yourselves? How can you impact a change when you cannot even band together to make a real difference. But it really comes down to the fact that they do not need these persona's, but they choose them, and instead of being a strong leader to their community, they wear a costume to become that strong leader, and that is true weakness. You do not need the suit or mask to make or impact a difference, or to create a large amount of good, just ask captain black here. Point, and match.

  6. But again, you mention a few, I speak of the many, when all of them do that, when all of them rally people together, when all of them learn to build strength through unity, then and only then will they work.

  7. So you are saying diversity of ideas is wrong? Come on man, that's ridiculous. You want everyone to think the same way, have the same views, the same approach to EVERYTHING? That's a drone mentality that will never lead to any positive change and ultimately without the perspective of varying viewpoints within the movement it leads to stagnation. Apply your thinking to real life. Do you want everyone on the world to think the same way? What a dull world it would be. The end of discovery because a single ideology is accepted without question. Word is Tiny Terror and White Skull were received generally well over on that RLSH board...they criticized aspects of the movement but also took the time to admit its positives as well. Heck, in one thread Tiny Terror even admitted that after some thought he realized that in some instances the costumes/uniforms are a definite plus and even help the RLSH accomplish their goals. I disagree with you about the need for these persona. When I do my charity work, there are times when I wear the uniform (kids events & certain charity functions) and times I don't (working to assist in a homeless shelter). The uniform & alternate persona carry a power with them. It's just a matter of knowing when to apply that power and putting it to good use for the benefit of those in need. You do not need a suit/mask to make a difference but I firmly believe and say this from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE that there are times when it makes the job easier. And if you go back in Captain Blacks blogs or audio he even admits this himself. So as for your point and match comment, I respectfully say "sorry, no dice."

    And about rallying people together that will never happen. People have different ways of looking at things and they approach matters in alternate ways. There is a fine line between trying to convince someone to see things your way and the tyranny of forcing them to do so. I respectfully disagree with you on the assumption that the RLSH do not work. I've been associated with too many charity drives and other selfless functions headed by a RLSH to believe that. So while you may be acquainted with the community more that I might believe I would tell you that I am also knowledgeable about such things from the inside. But once again, thank you for posting in a tactful manner. While we disagree on several things you are always welcome to post here as long as you do so. Take care and have a good day.

  8. again im sorry but you are wrong, charities have been around for longer than you or I, and none of them involved people in masks, and guess what, they have done a hell of a lot more than the RLSH have, there is no need for the masks and suits, there just plain isnt, it may be helpful in certain respects but it is not necessary. I am also not saying that everyone needs the same ideals, but to expect to make a change by yourself is arrogant and entirely pompous and self important. Unity is the only way to make a real difference, to join together, yes they may have different objectives, but is that the point? If that is then it is again about the individual not about the cause. The problem that they cannot join together because of their own goals is an issue that must be handled, is not the ultimate goal to help people? then why is that so hard for them to do? i have never once knocked any of them for trying to help people, for going to make their communities safer, but they do not go about this the right way. The only reason it makes the job easier to do is because of the insecurity that is laying underneath, the feeling that you lack that ability outside of that mask. As a whole they do not think in a large scale, they are too focused on their individual areas, not on a national or international scale. We do not live in a comic world, and things need to be realized about the world they live in, and taking the smartest way to making things right.

  9. and the only reason you say you cannot rally people together is because of that viewpoint alone, it is defeatist, you may say you want to be realistic, and that is fine but look at the statement, to say that is taking on the same view as the "rest of the world". That one person may be the start but without others that change cannot be made. they are meant to inspire correct? then shouldnt their intentions be to get others to stand up and fight for their world, and not fight a one man war?

  10. Whoever said the RLSH were doing it by themselves? There are alot of RLSH who function in small groups or even teams and they get stuff done. You keep harping on the whole "the RLSH want to do it alone" and yet there are countless examples of the RLSH working with local law enforcement and charities to facilitate their objectives of helping those in need. I appreciate your posts on this particular thread within my blog but unfortunately it is obvious that we have different viewpoints and we will not be agreeing on certain aspects of how the RLSH function. You can lay claim to me being wrong until eternity but just as you believe you are right so do I believe that my views are correct as well.

    And no disrespect towards some of your RLSV counterparts but handpicking certain RLSH or uniformed activists to be the target of libelous, devoid or research, mudslinging adds NO credibility to the RLSV. The claim was that the RLSV were around to keep the RLSH in check but it's pretty obvious that a fair lot of your kin just use that as a cheap excuse to carry out hate-driven personal vendettas or just be pathetically venomous.

  11. people are going to do as they wish but I have only come at those I do know the most about and have done my research regarding, I have nothing against you and your view points, but please as much as i respect you, i ask the same, you have made some low blows against me, and for undue cause on several blog posts, I personally do not appreciate that, I look at things from an objective opinion, and although my personal opinion and experience come into this. and for the time being i have focused on RLSH because I know a lot of them personally, a lot of them, and believe me I am working on the RLSV, but again, only when the research has been completed will i state anything. I just thought I would inform you of that.

  12. Thank God, for am minute there I thought I had inadvertently deleted your comments Virus. I apologize for that. I have friends I respect a great deal who are RLSH and they perform their duties with honor and integrity...and get constantly slammed by the RLSV despite this. I've always been the kind of person that's very defending of people who get picked on for doing good things/helping others.

    There's a scene in the movie "Hancock" when they are sitting at table eating dinner and Hancock is telling them his origin and how he does not remember anything except waking up in a hospital alone and with amnesia. Then he looks at the married couple at the table and says something to the effect of "What kind of a bastard must I have been in life to deserve to wake up alone, with no one in my life caring about me?" For all his invulnerability you could see the pain in his eyes that struck him to his very soul. For some strange reason this scene makes me think about the RLSH, especially the ones who do things the right way and yet still get trashed all the time. I don't doubt that they have more than once said to themselves "What the hell is their problem?" in terms of how the RLSV treat them. Sure there are alot of RLSH who are outlandish is word, garb, or behavior but just at the end of the day they are just people and alot of them do not deserve to be denigrated by the RLSV as viciously and often as it happens.

    I am glad you are working both sides. If by negative comments you mean the post in Teas blog I'm sorry but I had to point it out as far as the charity thing/photo exhibit. It's an example of how self-promotion and artistic expression can be turned into something positive. That was my point.. albeit a bit blunt. And for the record you have my respect.. even if my temper sometimes makes it seem otherwise. We both apparently speak from interaction with RLSH and RLSVs - we just have different beliefs but that's okay. If you felt offended by what I said that was not my intent TOWARDS you. However I do not afford the other RLVS who feel slighted by my words the same modicum of respect as they have not earned it. I'm not a popular rat amongst the RLSV but that's okay. Maybe it's vermin rivalry thing. Who knows. ;)

  13. thank you for clearing that up for me, I do respect you and your views, and at times i may come across brash myself, but i understand that views will always differ, I do encourage you to read my blog though, I do approach topics with clear and direct thoughts, and would appreciate your opinion.

  14. Also Virus, I know you were offended by my "score one for the good guys" comment. However, me saying this does not exclude you from being one of the good guys. I don't know you well enough to make an assessment of your character but history is ripe with good people who still butted heads over disagreements. At the end of the day sometimes it's not about either of them being bad folks, it's just the zeal by which they defend their beliefs that causes the clash. We may well disagree with one another in the future once more I think our current discussion proves we can do so amicably...and that's a good thing.
